'Balcony cinema' starts: the initiative that allows the residents of Madrid to watch movies and series from their windows


balcony cinema

'Balcony Cinema': the initiative that allows residents of the capital to watch movies from their window

Spring appeared on tiptoe, somewhat disconcerted at not finding the welcome it used to find: crowded terraces, parks and gardens full of atmosphere and streets waking up from winter lethargy.

April is giving a good account of the proverb and the sky cries inconsolably, interrupted at times by a ray of sunshine and the song of the birds –even in the center!– which reminds us that, although somewhat atypical, it is still spring, and we can enjoy it from the balconies.

Thus, anticipating a summer full of uncertainty, 'Cine de Balcón' has been launched, an initiative born from the agreement between Amazon Prime Video, Exterior Plus and Rufus by Initiative with the collaboration of the Madrid City Council.

What does it consist of? As its name suggests, 'Cine de Balcón' is presented as a 'confined' version of summer cinema And applause will take place every day for all those professionals who occupy the front line of this battle in which we find ourselves every day.

Around 8:15 p.m. Residents of the 21 districts of Madrid will be able to enjoy Amazon Prime Video movies and series, which will be shown on traveling screens who will tour the capital.

The program has four types of screen, three of them mounted on a truck or trailer, and a fourth modular led screen.

After its inauguration last Monday in Plaza Cristo Rey and Plaza de Embajadores –with the first episode of Modern Love– and its passage through the Avenida de Monforte de Lemos and Tirso de Molina, This Wednesday, April 15, the truck with the LED screen will be on the Paseo de Pintor Rosales (Moncloa) and the trailer will arrive at the Plaza de Alcalde Moreno Torres (Hortaleza).

The Thursday April 16 , the trailer with led screen will move to the roundabout of Santa Maria de la Cabeza (Arganzuela) and the truck to Minerva street corner with Omega (Vicálvaro).

For his part, the friday april 17 , the trailer will be on the street Luis Maoya Blanco (Hortaleza) and the truck with double screen in the Olas street (Villaverde).

The projection will start with the video Thank you Madrid and at the end of the film or series, messages of support, encouragement and awareness will also be released under the hastags: #Madridsalealbalcon, #EsteVirusLoParamosUnidos, #YoMeQuedoEnCasa and #FrenarLaCurva.

Silence, the movie begins!

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