Why is it a good time to rediscover Montjuïc Castle?


It's time to return to Montjuïc Castle

It's time to return to Montjuïc Castle

If you are from Barcelona it is possible that, unless you are a fan of history, you have not been to Montjuïc Castle for a long time, perhaps you have come during the month of June to do ‘A cool cinema’ -summer cinema with classics and blockbusters- or to eat some sausages in the ** Caseta del Migdia ,** enjoying the magnificent panoramic view of Barcelona.

It is true that it is not one of the most visited monuments in the city, either because it is far away and has had difficult access from the center or because of its historical connotations during the Franco era.

Since 2013 there have been changes and a large investment, 13 million euros to restore it , improve access for people with reduced mobility and the blind, and bring it closer to the people of Barcelona. Although it was undoubtedly the discovery of the graffiti of the inmates on its walls the most significant and newsworthy for the Castle in recent years.

Therefore, it is time to rediscover it with another more current look. These are the reasons why it deserves a visit.

Montjuic Castle.

Montjuic Castle.

1. The discovery of his graffiti

March 2018 marked the beginning of a new stage for the Castle with the restoration of the 650 graffiti of the prisoners who lived in its dungeons in the 19th century.

Military drawings, of dictators like Adolf Hitler or Mussolini, and even erotic drawings. And of course, there is no shortage of calendars where they crossed out the days; also poems and freedom proclamations.

A set of messages dating from the last stage of the nineteenth century, of the 1900 and 1930 , and the one with the most weight, from 1935 to 1940.

two. Your 360º viewpoint

look where you look, Montjuïc Castle has amazing views of Barcelona . From its viewpoint you will have the panoramic view of the port , views towards the sea; views of the airport and the magnificent panoramic view of Tibidabo.

One of the best viewpoints in Barcelona.

One of the best viewpoints in Barcelona.

Four. Because it is a Cultural Asset of National Interest

Juan Martín Cermeño was in charge of reforming the Castle in the 18th century to complete the defensive structure of the fortress; and in fact that is the reform that has lasted over time and you can see.

Why is it a historical asset? The Castle has very well preserved architectural elements, from the access door and the building's façade, the huge parade ground, the four bastions to its huge moat -now converted into a garden in honor of those who were shot during the Civil War- .

Also has a watchtower , the sea wall, a hornabeque and ravelin , and a covered path for a perfect ride.

5. To know the history of the city

Cities are much better known through their historical monuments. The history of Barcelona in the 19th and 20th centuries is much better understood when you visit Montjuïc Castle.

Since its construction it always had a military use and it is a symbol of repression lived by him village. Some of the most tragic moments in the history of Barcelona took place in the Castle, for example the execution of hundreds of people in their pits , among them the pedagogue and creator of the Modern School, Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia in the Tragic Week (1919) ; and the imprisonment and subsequent execution by firing squad of the president of the Generalitat, Luis Companys , on October 15, 1940.

6. for their activities

Activities are carried out throughout the year, such as poetry days, cinema and exhibitions. Currently, you can visit the exhibition 'Looking for freedom: 1968-2018'.

Its gardens are worth a visit.

Its gardens are worth a visit.

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