The first Virtual Cycling Tour starts: from home and through Malaga


First cycling lap from home

A virtual cycling tour? From home and touring Malaga!

If something good is having this confinement is that it is filling up with first times . No one believed in the infinite possibilities of our homes and in the powerful creativity of people to carry out any activity within four walls. the last comes hand in hand with the #YoMeMuevoEnCasa campaign , promotes sport and has a prize: The 1st Virtual Cycling Tour of the province of Malaga starts!

The Manilva Cycling Club, together with the Diputación , have made it a point to get off the couch this week and Let's tour Malaga on wheels . In a fight against the sedentary lifestyle that has taken hold of us these days, the virtual cycling tour emerges as a new way of promote sport, as a lifesaver for our physical health, but also mental.

This innovative lap will feature five stages distributed from today until May 17 . For the winners, there is a prize! Beside a batch of products "Taste of Malaga" , will also be obtained tickets to visit the Caminito del Rey , which will surely be your first plan when it's all over.


The race will be organized through a platform called Bkool, in which you will have to join the CCManilva group . Here, participants will find 3D videos of the tour , which will adapt to each profile. In the different stages, you will connect online with the members, who will join popular cyclists in the province.

What do you need? Of course a bike , and not to destroy all the objects in your house, an interactive roller in which to ride When you connect it to one of your devices and turn on the application, everything will be ready for you to get on the pedals.

Best of all, this roller will simulate the ride in such a way that it will seem that you are really outdoors. You will feel the descents and slopes, and even the vibrations of the road , and you will be able to follow on the screen the kilometers that you are advancing.

Round viewpoint

Enjoy the best landscapes of Malaga at the stroke of pedals.


The different stages add a total of 87 kilometers , but the participants can choose whether to do the entire lap or just some sections. The road will take cyclists through some of the most beautiful natural enclaves of Malaga , so it will be a different way of traveling.

The first stage starts from the municipality of Istán and will pass through the Sierra de las Nieves . the region of Antequera, the Rincón de la Victoria, the Axarquia or the Serranía de Ronda , are some of the landscapes that can be enjoyed while we are pedaling.

The last one will be the final event and also the most exciting. In a multiplayer format, on May 17, all the participants will start the stage at the same time and it will be broadcast live on the Facebook of the Manilva Cycling Club . nervous?

We can't think of a better idea to travel from home than to do sports while you enjoy the scenery of Malaga. Win or not, the prize is guaranteed.

(To register, click here)

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