Faroe Islands vs. Google: with a lot of humor, the archipelago creates its own translator


Not without the feros

Not without the Faroese!

With a lot of humor and a great deal of initiative, these 18 islands have once again marked themselves as 'if Mohammed does not go to the mountain, the mountain will go to Mohammed' to provide a free translation service to those who visit them.

What's more, his proposal surpasses in originality and quality of pronunciation that of the technological giant, since they are the inhabitants of the Islands themselves who provide you with the translation on video. In this way, you make sure you get the authentic local pronunciation right.

To use it, you just have to visit the website ** Faroe Islands Translate **. The rest is pure intuition: just enter the word or phrase you want to translate in the text box that appears and, seconds later, The answer will appear on your screen in the form of a video made by a Faroese volunteer.

The campaign, which began in early October, has already carried out over half a million translations and collected searches from over 150 different countries. The most searched term? Love!

With Faroe Islands Translate, the Faroe Islands seek to continue preserving a language that is currently spoken by fewer than 80,000 people in the world and, incidentally, draw (once again) Google's attention, this time asking it to include Faroese in Google Translate.

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