Multisensory lounges arrive at airports


Recently there has been a shift in awareness regarding the importance of self-care, inclusivity and accessibility in all aspects of our lives, and airlines are no strangers to this new paradigm . An example of this is the introduction of multisensory lounges in airports from all over the United States.

At the beginning of January, American Express launched a new initiative in the luxurious Centurion Lounge of the Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport : a space dedicated to calm and mindfulness for users to disconnect from the stress of the trip. This area aspires to be an almost dreamlike space, equipped with soft loungers, relaxing teas, heating cushions and free access to meditation applications for Get rid of the stress of security check.


This new premium room designed for the wellness is an example of a reality that goes beyond a specific airline or airport: traveling is stressful . There is no doubt that, after two years of the pandemic, airports cause more anxiety than ever , and travelers need a space to find calm again.

Before, only those who contracted luxury trips could access relaxation areas, through exclusive credit cards or VIP programs of the airlines, but The United States has turned the tide by making relaxation spaces increasingly accessible to a broader swath of travelers . Many airports in the country are incorporating meditation spaces and multisensory rooms to the design of its facilities, with free access for all travellers.

"The opinion that travelers transmit to me is that airports can be very overwhelming, especially now," says Chelsea Rodríguez, a volunteer and client accessibility manager at Seattle-Tacoma airport , where a new multi-sensory room will open in April 2021. "I think this is the most stressful time to travel. Having a space like the multisensory room, which invites calm and has equipment designed for travelers to get rid of stress, has been very well received."

The queue at the airport control is the inevitable process.

The queues, the baggage check-in, the delays, the security control... Although we are increasingly used to airport procedures, for many it is a stressful experience.


The multi-sensory room is an interactive space designed to help neurodivergent travelers , that is, those who live with the autism , the dementia or others sensory processing disorders , who can feel especially overwhelmed in a busy and unfamiliar terminal. The Seattle Multi-Sensory Room, located behind security in Concourse A of the airport, includes items such as a starry sky, adjustable lighting and a series of cozy seats that move or compress the body.

“There are seating areas, rocking chairs, big pillows and acoustic panels that stimulate touch,” says Rodríguez. " The use of space really varies depending on how each person finds serenity . It was designed with this diversity in mind."

Similar spaces have been opening up in certain american airports . Pittsburgh International Airport opened a multi-sensory room in 2019, with lava lamps and fully soundproof walls , as is the Miami International Airport.

At the end of 2020, the international airport of Phoenix Sky Harbor debuted a multi-sensory room as part of its "compassion corner" , a set of services for travelers who need additional assistance. The space offers activities such as puzzles and coloring books for both adults and children with neurological or developmental disorders.

"Airports have been adding areas designed to improve the traveler experience and turn it into something positive ", says the architect Luis Vidal, who designed the Heathrow Terminal 2 in London and a new terminal at the airport pittsburgh , currently under construction. "Although this trend was on the rise long before the start of the pandemic, it certainly spiked given the enormous change that COVID-19 caused in practically all aspects of our daily lives".

The relaxing Centurion Lounge at Houston Intercontinental Airport.

The Calm space inside the Centurion Lounge in Houston. VIP lounges have been the standard for relaxation at airports for years, but services of this type are becoming more accessible.

For certain travelers, it's not just the terminal that can feel overwhelming; also boarding is a cause of anxiety . To solve this, the international airport of Kansas City is planning a space where the boarding process can be rehearsed. Is about an airplane simulator that, when it opens with the new airport terminal in 2023, will allow passengers to practice every step of the journey, from security to take off.

"We want to help travelers or families who are reluctant to fly feel more secure during the process, whether it's a family with a child on the autism spectrum either an elderly traveler with dementia , or those who suffer from hearing or visual impairments, fear of flying, or claustrophobia ", says Justin Meyer, deputy director of Aviation, Marketing and Development of air services of the kansas city international airport.

The simulator room will have replicas of the boarding gate, air bridge and aircraft seats, overhead bins and crew announcements . In addition to the plane simulator, the new terminal will offer a multisensory room and one accessible play area for children with physical disabilities.


Travelers who are not necessarily neurodivergent, but who are looking for a quiet place to reflect, pray or simply escape the hustle and bustle of a crowded terminal They also have areas for your relaxation. "Have spaces like meditation and prayer rooms can greatly benefit travelers," says Rodríguez regarding the seattle airport , where last April a interfaith space for prayer and meditation next to its multisensory room.

“This is especially important for muslim travelers ”, he adds. "We know that Muslims pray five times a day, so they are very grateful to have a private space that is reassuring and built for that purpose ". The Seattle-Tacoma space includes a qibla pointer , which indicates the direction to face for Muslim prayers, as well as a prayer bench to kneel and recessed seats conducive to meditation.

Muslims praying in Mecca.

Practicing Muslims pray five times a day in the direction of Mecca, a tradition difficult to maintain in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

The space has been designed with the indications of the local religious leaders very present. "For myself and other Muslims who have had difficulty finding places to pray at airports, having a designated space that facilitates prayer is important , both from the point of view of religious diversity like security, privacy and modesty Aneelah Afzali, executive director of the Muslim American Empowerment Network of the Muslim Association of Puget Sound, declared when the space first opened last spring.

The kansas city international airport also plans to create a multipurpose room designed to serve anyone looking for a sense of peace when its new terminal opens next March: "We wanted to make sure that the space was nice for everyone instead of focusing more on specific needs," says Meyer. "We didn't want a prayer room or a chapel, so we're going to go ahead with what we call a quiet room . Whether you want to roll out a prayer rug or a yoga mat, it's a space where both are equally acceptable."

It is expected that quiet areas and multi-sensory rooms in airports become a much more normalized experience for years to come. The new terminal pittsburgh , for example, you will have more than 8000 square meters of outdoor terrace , where all travelers can relax among the vegetation.

"Airports in particular have a huge impact on well-being ", says Vidal. "The incorporation of areas focused on providing a calm and relaxing environment for travelers allows positively transform what most see as a stressful process into an enjoyable and memorable experience."

This article was published in the January 2022 International Edition of Condé Nast Traveler.

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