Camden Highline: the London neighborhood project to have its own New York High Line


Camden Highline the London neighborhood project to have its own New York High Line

Camden Highline: a project that aspires to become a reality

At the moment it is just an idea, a handful of renders that put their teeth long before what could be to come and a crowdfunding project that has already raised more than half of its goal (43,000 euros). However, ** Camden Highline points ways with its 800 meters of landscaped promenade, its 18 meters wide and its 8 meters high **, indicate the promoters of this project, the Camden Town Unlimited (CUT).

The CUT is the 'Business Improvement District' of Camden Town. It is an association of public and private entities in this area of ​​the city that works to improve living conditions in the neighborhood. CUT members are elected every five years by local business owners.

Camden Highline the London neighborhood project to have its own New York High Line

New green area in the city?

**With that idea in mind, that of improving the neighbourhood, the CUT began meeting in early 2016 with Network Rail **, the company that owns the railway network in England, Wales and Scotland, to analyze the technical details that would be necessary to implement a project that will cross eight streets across the seven bridges which were initially part of the North London Railway (now the North London Line).

The initiative contemplates that Camden Highline begins in the northern part of the North London Line , above the Kentish Town Road. The route would then continue east to reach north of Camden Road Station, towards Caledonian Road and Barnsbury Station to end at Camley Streat, which leads to King's Cross.

Camden Highline the London neighborhood project to have its own New York High Line

It would link Camden Town and King's Cross on foot and by height

From the organization they are aware that for this project to go from paper to reality it is necessary to have the neighborhood support . To do this, they ask for citizen collaboration in the form of visits to their website, subscriptions to their mailing lists and, more recently, participation in the crowdfunding project that they have just launched.

With it they hope to raise 43,000 euros (37,886 pounds) with which they would meet the expenses to study in depth the viability of the project: understand the current state of the existing infrastructure, the resources needed to transform the train track and the expected times to implement it . The money raised will also be used to organize events, workshops to work on the project's objectives and publicity campaigns for an initiative that, although it is here to stay, the organization warns that it could be temporary if Network Rail needed to bring the tracks back into use.

Camden Highline the London neighborhood project to have its own New York High Line

The crowdfunding campaign is already underway

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