Disturbing and overwhelming, that's what the deepest point in the ocean sounds like


What Cameron found on his adventure

What Cameron found on his adventure

A group of scientists together with the ** National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ** recorded during 23 days the sounds of Challenger Deep , which, located about 11 km deep in the south of the Mariana Trench Pacific, is the deepest point in the ocean, reports Atlas Obscura. The recordings, which were made last year, have been released this week.

Image of the Abyss Challenge taken by the James Cameron expedition

Image of the Abyss Challenge taken by the James Cameron expedition

"You would think that the deepest part of the ocean is one of the quietest on earth," explained the oceanographer Robert Dziak at the head of the project. However, "there is almost always noises ", he assures, referring to the" ambient sound is dominated by the noise of earthquakes , both far and near, as well as by the different whale moans and the cry of a category 4 typhoon that just went over the top."

Descent to the deepest point of the oceans

Descent to the deepest point of the oceans

In order to make the recordings, the scientists used a hydrophone specially adapted to withstand pressure so deep. Although the device only recorded 23 days of sound, it remained in the water for four months, between july and november . Typhoons and the shipping schedule prevented scientists from collecting it earlier.

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