Trips to do with your best friend: the plan is that there is no plan


The plan is there is no plan

The plan is there is no plan

Or if. Because with your best friend you can do all those things that you otherwise never find time for, as long as it really takes to do them well. You can renew your wardrobe from top to bottom, come back resplendent after doing a thousand beauty treatments, throw yourself on a beach full of surfers or simply analyze in depth why Lucas left you when you finished university . We have selected 7 essential destinations for you to enjoy a luxury getaway with your best friend. Because she is worth it too.


The island of Boa Vista, in Cape Verde, is a delight if you want to enjoy some of the most exuberant beaches on the planet. In the heart of the Atlantic coast, dominated by the wild blue, it will not cost you much to find a cheap flight and land with your best beach outfit on any of these long stretches of white sand where the sea and the sky seem to offer each morning. Paradise for surfers, you have the perfect excuse to get on a board without fear of making a fool of yourself in front of acquaintances, and who knows! Even the possibility that they give you private lessons. If you also want to discover a unique experience, rent a quad and take a walk along the beach at sunset. Your senses will thank you. To finish off your getaway, stay at the Hotel Migrantes Guest House, a charming redoubt that works as a meeting point and chill out. Multiply your international contact list in the shade of a cocktail with an umbrella.

A beach in Boa Vista in Cape Verde

A beach in Boa Vista, in Cape Verde


It will be difficult for you not to find your place in the always entertaining Miami Beach. Whatever you do will accompany you the feeling of being parading on a catwalk , so come in full gear to dazzle on any occasion. If you also like the beach, shopping, designer bars, extra large sizes or the continuous presence of celebrities, this is your place. It is also an excellent destination to take photos and be the envy of the staff on social networks. In spite of everything, it is better that you save yourself for the long nights of Miami Beach. In South Beach you will discover that in their day, all the famous decided to buy a hotel and you will enjoy their cocktails between promises of the cinema or the catwalk, do not forget to go to the Delano or Fontainebleau. But don't miss classics of the night like Tantra, B.E.D or Amendment XXI either. . We recommend you start the night with something else to walk around the house, to familiarize yourself with the prices and the atmosphere. Try The Room or The Abbey. Almost accidentally you will return with a very eighties point, perfect to anticipate this year's trends.

miami beach riot

Miami Beach: debauchery

**3)GOA (INDIA) **

The former Portuguese colony of Goa, in Western India, offers a unique mixture of native and Portuguese culture, with paradisiacal beaches (one of those that invite you to disconnect from all your obligations) and a colorful colonial architecture dotted with small cafes and craft shops. Place of pilgrimage for tourists since the 60s, something remains of that pre-ibiza philosophy so copied later , where peace and love reigned above all things.

It is a perfect destination if you do not want to do anything, beyond of course giving yourself a rest cure and learning to enjoy the he simpler pleasures in life, including a working shower and mosquito net per bed . Be sure to visit the capital, Panaji, one of the most charming cities in India. If you like gastronomy, treat yourself to the elegant Sher-E-Punjab restaurant and if you want to invigorate your senses, try the delicious smoothies at Hotel Venita, a classic.

Goa the hippie and chic paradise

Goa: the hippie and chic paradise


The sumptuous capital of Hungary, full of historic cafes , is the ideal destination if what you really want to do is explain well how you feel. No hurry. Naming each sensation and returning a thousand times to that event, insignificant for everyone, but crucial for you. For better inspiration you have two options: the classic option with names like Central Kávéház , Gerbeaud or Belvárosi Auguszt or the option trendy with spaces like Printa or Tamp&Pull.

Your best friend will listen with absolute empathy to your ninth version of the story, while an impeccable waiter renews the coffees on your marble table. At the end of the session it is possible that he has a well-formed opinion of your life, if so, listen carefully. Sometimes strangers offer the best analysis. To finish cleaning the soul and the body of bad vibrations you can visit any of the many thermal baths in the city , a healing and affordable experience that will erase the effects of so much caffeine and leave you ready to sleep like a baby.

Budapest a city to listen

Budapest: a city to listen


Dear compulsive buyers: you are in luck. From the moment you set foot in the Malaysian airport temptation will follow you like a butterfly . It is useless to explain what you can buy in Singapore, because you can buy anything. From electronic gadgets and cutting-edge technology to sophisticated accessories. You are about to enter one of the shopping paradises, yes, but remember that you are also in one of the paradises of the celebrated oriental cosmetics, so get to work. don't miss out the neighborhoods of Kampong Glam, a historic and colonial district famous for its thousand shops.

Shopping among palm trees has a lot of glamour. If you declare yourselves irredentist fashionistas, you can't miss a tour – with time, that's why you've come – along Orchard Road, the mecca for fashion lovers. And to freak out with the East two areas: Chinatown and Little India. You will never look the same at the squalid Chinese bazaar in your neighborhood . Along the way you will find countless offers to complete the experience with sophisticated rituals and beauty treatments, do not go home without a good massage and a couple of purifying creams.

The Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore

The Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore


Now that the temperatures are dropping and the Christmas spirit seems to be in the air, remember that Britain comes before, nothing better than a bath of crowds in any of the many pubs in edinburgh . The beautiful capital of the north will offer you many opportunities to check that your scotch is directly proportional to the number of pints and you will be delighted to see how the conversation flows as the night progresses. The international language may have a lot to offer, but the truth is that between the students, eager for new faces, and the legendary Scottish hospitality, making friends is very easy in edinburgh.

Improvising is a good option but it is always convenient to have a plan B at hand. after browsing the shops of the Old Town and marveling at the views of the majestic Castle a route is imposed to find out what the locals do when evening falls. If you like minimalism, have a beer at Sygn -Charlotte Lane- if you want to enjoy a sophisticated atmosphere try a cocktail at The Dome -George Street- and if you feel like throwing the house out the window do the same but on the Forth Floor Harvey Nichols, where you can also enjoy the best views of the city. If you like celebrities you have to visit the Opal Lounge -George St- perfect to admire the new trends. And if you don't want to stop visiting the port, your place at The Granary.

48 hours in Edinburgh

The imposing Balmoral Hotel on Princess Street

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