How to travel safely when we fly again


'Fly with confidence' the KLM campaign to travel again.

'Fly with confidence', the KLM campaign to travel again.

fly again Surely this phrase generates many doubts and, sometimes, skepticism. Will we be able to travel safely again? Am I more likely to get infected at an airport or on a plane? What steps do I have to follow when traveling by plane to be calm?

Nothing is 100% sure , we already know that, but we can inform ourselves and know the measures taken by each airline and decide which ones make us feel calmer when taking a flight. Because yes or yes, we will fly again to do tourism, to work, see family or friends, etc. How to do it will depend on the airlines and our responsibility in each case.

Many of them have already got down to work to ensure safe flights and passenger confidence. One of them is the airline. Royal Dutch Aviation Company (KLM) that has taken all measures required by the **WHO guidelines **and the RIVM (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment) to guarantee safe flights for crew and passengers.

For this, it has launched the campaign fly with confidence with which it intends to report all the changes it has made this year, as a result of Covid-19. These are some of the most important measures that you must take into account if you travel with them.


What worries us most, not only when we travel, whether on public or private transport, or when we are in a supermarket or restaurant, is the air we breathe. We know that air particles are the transmitters of the disease, much more contagious in unventilated and closed spaces. That is the main reason why the Royal Dutch Aviation Company (KLM) places more emphasis on air disinfection in your aircraft.

Many people believe that infections or diseases are more easily transmitted on planes, but KLM says this is not the case. In fact the risk of contagion is low , less than in other interior spaces, they assure. This is because the air in airplanes is constantly renewed ; every three minutes to be exact.

All cabin air is cooled by outside air, faster than in other indoor environments. That means that at any given time at least 50% of the air in your cabins has been continuously cooled. The other 50% is filtered through the HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air), a highly efficient filter that is cleaned at regular intervals . These filters are the ones that are used in clinical environments such as operating rooms and hospitals.

HEPA filters capture 99.99% of viruses and bacteria including the Coronavirus . Furthermore, the air in KLM's passenger cabins flows from the ceiling to the floor, and not from front to back. This creates a cleaner and more effective airflow. In short, 80% more fresh air is provided to the passenger and crew than would be required on a normal flight.


When we take a plane, we are not only worried about the trip, but also the whole process until we reach our seat. The airport is also a space in which we have to preserve the care and attention.

In this sense, the Royal Dutch Aviation Company (KLM) also offers peace of mind to passengers. All KLM counters are equipped with transparent screens and the** self-service machines keep the necessary separation**, since they are arranged alternately so that you have plenty of space to manage your trip once you have arrived at the airport. Of course they regularly clean and disinfect the counters and self-service machines.

Secondly, floor markings help everyone maintain the required physical safety distance , both at check-in and boarding.

And what about the masks? As in any other closed establishment you must take it. All passengers and crew will be required to wear face masks during boarding and flight on KLM aircraft.


You have already passed the boarding, and now what? Most airlines have established their own security protocols on board, so We recommend that you review them before choosing one or the other and travel with the one that transmits you the most reliability..

How will you travel on KLM planes? First of all, you should know that before each flight, they thoroughly clean the plane, including all the elements and surfaces that have been in contact with the crew and passengers. That includes seats, carpets, tables, armrests, screens, etc. Likewise** only approved disinfectants are used**. The crew also has cleaning wipes, gloves, sprays and protective masks, although they recommend that you bring enough for your trip.

About the distance between passengers, will be guaranteed whenever possible.

Once in the air its ventilation systems go to work and its powerful filters clean the air every three minutes capturing 99.99% of viruses and bacteria , including those of the Covid.

What about restoration? As you know, magazines and newspapers will no longer be available, but there will be individually packaged food on long-haul trips. The rules for the restoration are very strict, the crew minimizes contact with the passenger but is at your service at all times.

And if someone shows symptoms of coronavirus on the flight , the crew is ready for it. A strict infectious disease protocol goes into effect automatically. In that case special masks will be used, the passenger will be isolated immediately and those who were sitting next to him will be assisted.


How to manage your flight if it is canceled due to external causes? What should you do? From the Royal Dutch Aviation Company (KLM) they have activated a ** flexibility protocol ** so that passengers feel more confident when making their reservations.

Once yours is done, if you want to cancel your flight, you can change your ticket without additional costs or any justification to the date and destination of your choice . And if the change of destination results in a rate change, you will only have to pay the difference in price.

And what happens if the airline cancels the flight? In that case, you will be able to choose between postponing your trip to the date and destination of your choice, requesting a full refund of the ticket or receiving a voucher, which is also refundable if not used. You have all the information here.

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