This is how your perfect beach vacation looks according to the generation to which you belong


This is how your perfect beach vacation looks according to the generation to which you belong

Beach perfection should look something like this

This is the study From Beach to Beach 2016 carried out between April 6 and 21 at 11,155 people from 24 countries and belonging to three different generations: Millennials (18-34 years old), Generation X (35-54 years old), and Baby Boomers (55+ years old).

Among the conclusions that emerge, we can say that, despite the years that separate the different generations, especially the Millennials from the Baby Boomers, it is more what unites us, at least when it comes to choosing holidays, than what differentiates us . And it is that in all three the factors that influence us when choosing a beach destination as well as the type of accommodation we prefer , varying only the priority that each age range confers on each one and the ways they have of understanding leisure. There are also surprises that come in the form of the Baby Boomer generation as the most interested in having WiFi on the beach.

This is how your perfect beach vacation looks according to the generation to which you belong

For those endless days of sand and sun


If you belong to the younger generation of the study, you have it clear: your priority to have a perfect vacation is clean beaches (54%), followed by the total cost of the vacation (44%), the safe beaches (43%), the good weather most of the time (39%), the proximity of the hotel to the beach (33%) and that **your destination has many activities to occupy your free time (28%) **. The latter constitutes the factor that differentiates you from the rest of Generation X and Baby Boomers.

For sleeping, Do you prefer renting houses or apartments? (24%) , all-inclusive hotels (23%) , family friendly hotels (15%) , well-known hotel chains (9%) and, finally, the original accommodations (8%) .

Surprisingly and paradoxically, you belong to the generation that is least hooked on the Internet during their vacations. In fact, Only 22% of people in this age group consider it important to have a WiFi connection on the beach. If, if necessary, you find it, you mainly dedicate yourself to surf the web and only 8% of Millennials succumb and end up consulting work emails.

This is how your perfect beach vacation looks according to the generation to which you belong

That there is leisure, a lot of leisure, a 'must' for Millennials


It is the middle generation, the one that concentrates the extremes. It incorporates elements of the Millennials and Baby Boomers, although it also has its own preferences. Data from reveals that you too **want clean beaches (72%) and that they are also safe (65%)**. Surely you already travel with one or two churumbeles in the back seat of the car. You are looking for a destination that has good weather most of the time (55%), you take into account the total cost of the vacation (54%), the proximity of the hotel to the beach (46%) and, as regards leisure, refers, you are looking for a destination that has activities for children (32%) . In fact, you are probably dreaming that they start playing something that takes up hours and hours so that you can lie down and quietly finish reading that book you started in January.

If you are between 35 and 54 years old, your vacation paradise **is in the form of an all-inclusive hotel (26%) **. They are followed by family friendly hotels (20%) , house or apartment rentals (13%) , **boutique hotels (12%) ** and, finally, well-known hotel chains (11%) .

24% of the respondents of your generation consider it important to have WiFi on the beach because, like Millennials, you want to spend some time browsing different websites and because (here comes the bad news, Generation X is the least disconnected and 9% of you dedicate yourself to checking work emails from time to time.

This is how your perfect beach vacation looks according to the generation to which you belong

Generation X needs activities for the little ones


The voice of experience has spoken and his years of going back and forth on beaches around the world, his hours in the car in search of the best corners, his accumulated dips and his hundreds of sand rides are a degree. Therefore, they are clear. Clean beaches are a priority and non-negotiable (74%) . The total cost of the vacations (62%), a factor of weight to take into account, not in vain there will already be some (pre) retired in the room. They are followed by safe beaches (59%) , the proximity of the hotel to the beach (49%) , that they will be able to enjoy good weather most of the stay (46%) and the travel time to the destination (28%), a differentiating element compared to the other two generations.

As for accommodation, if you are over 55 years old, you are probably one of the wrist-on-wrist types. Thus, **you like all-inclusive hotels (25%) **, followed by rental houses or apartments (19%), family friendly hotels (16%), well-known hotel chains (10%) and , finally, of boutique hotels (9%) .

You are not digital natives, but many of you have become hooked on the internet and social networks. In fact, You are the generation that gives the most importance to having a WiFi connection on the beach. 28% want it on their vacations, mainly to **check your personal emails (54%) **, not professional ones. In fact, only 6% of those belonging to your generation consult work topics during the holidays.

This is how your perfect beach vacation looks according to the generation to which you belong

For Baby Boomers, commute time is critical

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