Smart beds, robotic butlers… This is what hotels will be like in 50 years


Technology will change the way we travel, yes, but how?

Technology will change the way we travel, yes, but how?

Trips as we know them today have an expiration date. Technological and scientific advances will influence the vacations of the future and in half a century nothing will be the same: when choosing the vacation destination, making the necessary reservations, arriving at the hotel or how the experience will have changed between now and the year 2060.

At least, this is what a report carried out by the Institute for Global Futures in which the possible tourism trends that travelers will be able to enjoy in fifty years are analyzed. “ Trends in technology, science, entertainment and energy will dramatically change hotel experiences for travelers ”, assures Dr. James Canton, general director of the institution. "The appearance of a new science that allows us to design trips, combine large volumes of data, use artificial intelligence or predict the dreams of travelers means that the entire travel experience is going to change," he says.

The predictions of the Institute for Global Future predict that even the process of deciding on a vacation will be transformed. In fact, it will not be the traveler who makes the reservations: all the steps will be taken by his avatar. If today it is already possible to delegate some tasks to virtual assistants, tomorrow it will be a software that will search for the destination, design the travel plan and make the necessary reservations.

so we will travel

Is this how we will travel?

Everything, based on the tastes of the traveler and according to what is previously requested. In any case, you will end up having to search for hotels, compare prices, or set foot in a travel agency.

What the traveler will have to participate in is the design of the hotel in which they will stay. According to the report, the hotels of the future will be transformed based on what their customers as a whole decide. Thus, crowdsourcing would reach architecture thanks to nanotechnology , which would make it possible for hotel establishments (or even the physical environment in which they are located) change to pleasure . In fact, the report indicates that this collective decision system could be used to determine the exact location of accommodation.

Mutant accommodations

Mutant accommodations?

However, according to the Institute for Global Future, there will be something common in the design of all hotels. All establishments will be Eco Hotels, fully sustainable hotels that will depend only on renewable energies such as solar or geothermal and whose carbon footprint will be non-existent. All clean and safe to produce a positive social impact from the world of tourism.


What will also change over the next century will be the way customers pay their bill. On the one hand, the report bets on the world of cryptocurrencies and points out that, probably, in the future, hotel services will be paid with HotelCoin, a digital currency based on blockchain technology, just like Bitcoin.

However, the report itself acknowledges that progress in terms of hotel payments could evolve in other directions. Specifically, the Canton team anticipates that in the future it could be paid for with DNA. If today some electronic payment platforms such as Apple Pay have biometric systems as a security method such as the use of the fingerprint, according to the report, in the future DNA will be all that is necessary to access a hotel: it will be used both to pay and to give the typical personal information that all travelers must offer when arriving at a hotel establishment .

As for the hotel experience itself, robotics and 3d print They will be in charge of making everything change. In fact, just as it will not be necessary to carry cards because the payment will be made with genetic information, travelers won't have to worry about carrying luggage either some: in their room they will have a 3D printer that will give them everything they need.

print print

Print, print!

While having one of these devices in a hotel room today may seem like an eccentricity, in the future it will allow travelers to purchase a design, download it from the cloud, and see it printed before their eyes. They will be able to choose what they want: footwear, their own clothes or even technological products. Everything you need to travel with what you are wearing.

In addition, and to make everything more comfortable, a robotic butler will be at our disposal during the stay. In fact, after choosing the design of the hotel, another thing that travelers will have to do is define the characteristics and skills of their servant: they will be the one who picks us up from the airport, the one who is in charge of offering us food, advising us or simply keeping us company during The escape.

In addition, once at the hotel, rest will not depend on its comfortable beds or luxurious sheets. In fact, the report predicts that, in the future, hotel establishments will give their customers access to neurotechnology , with which they can choose each night what kind of sleep they want to have. A night of adventures or better something relaxing? It will be the tourists of the future who will choose, before going to sleep, between educational dreams or a pleasant nocturnal disconnection.

For its part, health tourism will make a leap. Nothing to go to a spa to enjoy relaxing massages and water jets. The hydrotherapy centers of the future will offer their clients DNA tests to design personalized treatments to prevent diseases and predict what will happen to our physical state in the future. Genetic therapies to achieve a long life. Today's massages are very good, but the future seems to bring under the arm a more efficient health tourism.

If he is right, the next few decades will be full of changes in the tourism sector . Everything, with a final goal: that scientific and technological advances make travel more comfortable and the experience much more pleasant.

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