Spa with children: yes, you can!


Sicilia children's spa

The little ones also enjoy the hot springs

Trying to turn the gift of a wonderful spa weekend into a family getaway carries risks. I, who insist on include children in the equation –“We see little of them”, “it will be good for them”…–, I compete with “We won't be able to relax” or “I'm sure they'll get bored”.

Sicily Spa

Sicily Spa

So we come to Sicily Spa, surrounded by natural parks and located next to the table River, in a slightly shaken mood. “On the web they say that they are pioneers in children's spas”, I proclaim again and again with little conviction, since I have been to a few spas and some other spas and I don't quite agree with the idyllic perspective with my two revolutionized offspring.

Sicily Spa 3

Toning in the Thermal Garden

At the reception my hopes are rising: half of the welcome booklet of this family spa, which works since 1860, It includes children's activities of all kinds and (hurrah! Just in case...) also a childcare service.

The range of options opens up to Dani, who is five years old, and she can't decide between a toy library, cooking and make-up workshops, children's cinema or a mini-disco.

The spa is integrated into the landscape

The spa is integrated into the landscape

“To the pool!” he exclaims excitedly. And not even the fact of having to wear some bathing caps it seems to discourage him or his one-year-old brother, Máximo.

We went downstairs in our bathrobes and, I'll admit, I'm still intrigued. In the treatment area they welcome us, reassure us and suggest how to make the most of our visit.

Sicily Spa 4

The hot springs also have benefits for the little ones

To begin with, the four of us entered the thermal cave together, adapted for families and people of all ages. There, the warm water (born at 34º) and waterfalls, one of them outside, they bring, I must say, the most beautiful of smiles to my troops and, seeing them, also to the pleasant gentlemen who share space with us.

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The lights also contribute to relaxation

Our hosts explain to us that, in addition to being diuretic when ingested, these waters help topically with joint problems, rheumatism, osteoarthritis and mobility issues, which is why we live with lively groups of the elderly who enrich our stay with their experiences.

The techniques of pressotherapy and the contrasts of hot and cold water also improve circulatory problems (and are a real treat).

I sneak away alone to enjoy my Thermal Garden, an hour and a half of sensations: thermal contrasts, toning, relaxation with views of the gardens... In the thermal bath of aromas that of thyme prevails and in the biosaunas I can go out on the mountain and breathe like never before. Of course, with the Japanese bath (at about 40º) I do not dare, although my intrepid groupmates do.

Sicily Spa 7

Sicilia Spa, in Zaragoza

Meanwhile, Dani has been offered a thermal tour in which the monitors guide the little ones through a game of sensory stimuli. The experience is to live an adventure in which they are the protagonists. The finishing touch? A massage to relax the most active children, a good idea that they appreciate (and us).

In the case of allergic problems or frequent colds, it is also advisable to go through the salt chamber. It is the first of its kind installed in Spain: the inhalation of salt particles inside this dry sauna with views has proven results by the Complutense University in cases of bronchitis and other conditions.

In France and Eastern Europe this type of treatment is very popular. For the children it is not inconvenient, since they spend their time sitting quietly with their parents.

Spas of Sicily and Serón in Jaraba

Spas of Sicilia and Serón, in Jaraba

We still have the option to savor a good relaxing time together in the float pool. With the help of some 'churros' and soft background music, we let ourselves be carried away by the effect of this space integrated with the Aragonese landscape.

We ran out of time and we are as smooth as a glove... but the next day the batteries are fully charged and we consider a bike ride or an excursion to Dinópolis.

The raptor viewpoint or the nearby cave paintings of Roca Benedí, dating back more than 7,000 years, are also a good plan for Dani, who is currently studying prehistory at school. Will have to come back with more time!

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