Tell me what kind of traveler you are and I'll tell you what soundtrack to take to the beach


What's your beach vibe

What's your beach vibe?

The instructions are very simple: you just have to read the descriptions and hit play in the one that best suits you. However, if you are a pro traveler, of the addicted to explore what lies behind the next bend in the road, surely music freaks you out as much as us. For you we have made a list with all the topics of the article (It's at the end) . You will surely discover something interesting, adventurer!


How do you go to the beach? Just like at the bar or the supermarket: with jeans and t-shirt -if possible, from groups that you like-. You admit short pants and even cut off your sleeves, but that's about all the concession you're going to make to the summer season. You like to travel, and on your mental map, countries are defined by their nightlife and concert halls. To finish drawing your beach portrait, we will say that you are one of those who perhaps forgets the umbrella, but never the fridge with the cold beer . And all this despite the fact that you prefer to travel light; first of all, priorities.


You come to the shore with vintage sandals and a fine tunic (in the case of men, it will be a classic and relaxed cut trousers); maybe you even dare with a pamela or a panama. The Sunglasses, of course, they are essential. If Paris had a beach , you would be reveling in it; since he doesn't have it, you settle for Saint-Tropez . Of course, you are one of those who catches a hammock in the beach bar, under the umbrella. no tanning like any other little tourist: for you, paleness is still synonymous with class, and it shows factor 50 that peeks out of your maxi bag. Inside you also carry a book, although that does not mean that you forget your mobile (or even the Photo camera ) : you never know when it will become necessary to immortalize a moment of your indolent -and exquisite- sweet far niente.


You are one of those who travels without a map, without schedules and almost without direction . You like to move with little luggage, but you end up putting a little too much of everything in the backpack because you never know where you'll be tomorrow -and, above all, what you would like to wear-. You don't like to repeat destiny because you feel that if you do, you will be wasting precious time that you could use to know the rest of the pleasures that the world has in store for you. You're an unrepentant hedonist, yes, but you don't really care where you practice: you fit in so well to a five star like a tent and you make an adventure out of everything. some would call it class ; others, charm.

Hedonists throw a party anywhere

Hedonists throw a party anywhere


In fact, you don't really understand why people go to the beach ; you prefer to travel to places where the fog stains the sky gray, and feel, perhaps, a bit cursed The north is your favorite destination, and since you are a bit of a mythomaniac, you will embark on any tour that takes you through the stages of your favorite movies, series and books. Your soul is a combination of 19th century beatnik writer and romantic artist , and you feel almost out of place between the intense blue of the sea and the garish colors of the swimsuits. Yours, of course, will be impeccably sober.


For you, "summer" is synonymous with "tradition", and that's why you step on the sand without burning yourself with watermelon in the fridge , the umbrella (or even the tent) set up for the vertical drill, the towels, the hammock, the chair, the folding table, the radio and, if possible, the whole family. You are one of those people for whom Souvenir shops still exist , and you usually get the rest of the vacationers to look at you with reverence when you go to bathe in the sea: you were already there when they arrived and they won't see you leave your camp Even if they stay until the sun goes down. It costs to be the owner of the beach, but you have definitely got the title , and your continuous flights to parasites of masses like Torremolinos or Benidorm so they credit it.


In the end, we all carry a little bit of every kind of traveler!

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