How to fit the world into four Louis Vuitton suitcases


traveling is an art and whoever dares to refute it is that it has not stepped on enough airports. A globetrotter must be creative, they must be able to **choose a destination that adds experiences** to their traveling resume and, in the case of repeating, they must trace a route to make him feel that he is there for the first time.

Little by little, that chaos of ideas that run through the mind of the traveler before embarking on a journey **( hotels ** **, monuments ** , restaurants, natural enclaves **…) ** materialize, becoming brushstrokes that go filling your wishful world map with color and flooding the memory of him with memories.

The gray combines perfectly with the skyscrapers of New York

The gray combines perfectly with the skyscrapers of New York

But the real artists' skill It is shown in the most complicated moments, those that require more technique than emotion . And since the previous process is almost as important as the trip itself, we could say that the litmus test is hidden in the back of your closet: to pack.

It is a fact that the world is divided among the pilots , who can use their weekend suitcase to go away for ten days, and the cautious , which double the amount of clothing needed each time a day is added to the getaway.

Less is more, or so the theory goes. But since finding the middle ground is an arduous task, both beginners and experts of the trip should let yourself be advised by the master of the suitcases par excellence to master the art of travel: Louis Vuitton .

Louis Vuitton suitcases are the infallible antidote against the puzzle of "will I fit everything I want to take?". Excellence accompanies them, the elegance and, above all, magic. The magic to store all your belongings safely and, unlike the rest of the suitcases -which seem to shrink when it's time to go home-, even so leave room for you to put a little piece of the world.

tokyo here we go

Tokyo, here we come!

The legendary firm **owes its savoir faire to the master Louis Vuitton**, who at the tender age of 16 began creating **trunks in a Paris workshop**. More than 180 years later, the LV stamp continues to stroll through train stations and terminals. But now the chests covered in iconic Damier canvas have evolved into innovative wheeled suitcases, the latest **created by Australian Marc Newson** .

Marc Newson has custom designed all components that give life to these avant-garde suitcases. The different shades and shapes of this new Louis Vuitton range make each of them a unique work of art. So special is their design that they have even inspired the illustrator Simmon Said, who has set them in four different destinations.

Stroll through Madrid with your Louis Vuitton suitcase

Stroll through Madrid with your Louis Vuitton suitcase

It is undeniable that the quality of the vicissitudes and great travel accessories They go hand in hand. ”I am a frequent traveler and, like many people, I travel non-stop. So I know what I expect from my luggage And I don't think I'm the only one. Travel is intrinsically linked to luxury , from the historical context to a functional context. Experience has been a very important part of this creation process”, he explains. Marc Newson.

From the exoticism of ** Tokyo ** to the most traditional side of Madrid , through the colorful and always vibrant Mexico . Not forgetting **the shocking, chaotic and addictive New York**.

There is a perfect suitcase for each destination , and a traveler willing to keep the best of each one in it. Y Louis Vuitton He promises not to lose along the way one of those memories that the adventure of exploring a new place gives us.

***More information on 902 100 878 and on the website **

Oh beautiful Mexico...

Oh beautiful Mexico...

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