This is what Generation Z asks of travel (and of life)


Inveterate travelers.

Inveterate travelers.

Millennial Generation, Generation Z … Lets start by the beginning. yes you were born between 1994 and 2010 you belong to Generation Z. What were you born before 94, but after 82? Then you are a millennial like the top of a pine tree.

These two generations, especially those born closer to 90, have a lot in common, so it's possible that if you're a millennial (or Generation Y ) feel identified with what you are going to read next.

**We know what millennials ask for when they travel**, what they want when they book a hotel, there's actually very little we know about this generation of intrepid restless. However, we don't know as much about Generation Z.

What are your preferences and needs when traveling? A study carried out by Booking clarifies some of these doubts. The sample of 5,452 participants between 16 and 24 years old has taken place in 29 markets, including Australia, Japan, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, China, Brazil, India, United States, United Kingdom, among many others.

The participants responded to an online survey between the May 1 and 16, 2019 . Generation Z, aged between 16 and 24, she is ambitious, adventurous and above all, loves to travel. How do you want to travel? We tell you in six points.

They don't want possessions.

They don't want possessions.


Even if you don't have the money to do it, most are clear about what they want to do in the next ten years. 67% are excited about all the destinations they will travel to in the future, among the most coveted are Colombia (91%) , China (82%) , India (82%) and Argentina (80%) .

39% say they want to visit one of these continents in the next 10 years, more women -34%- than men -26%. Also want to study abroad for a while This is the opinion of 30% of those surveyed. While 56% want to live an adventure like skydiving or bungee jumping.


In the next 10 years, generation Z has many plans , one of them is solo travel , as shown by 34%.

46% of travelers say that they travel with their family because it is the way they get to know places that they would not otherwise be able to visit due to lack of funds. Nevertheless, 33% prefer not to have company on their trips.

They already have a list of destinations in mind.

They already have a list of destinations in mind.


The answer is clear and the balance leans towards the second. If they have to choose, they prefer to live life experiences to have possessions . 65% affirm that their future investments will be for “travel and see the world” , 60% for education, 50% for retirement and 60% for housing.

"Generation Z has grown up in a world where economic and financial instability has pretty much been the norm globally for the last decade. That's why their attitude towards finances is a good barometer of their attitude towards life. More than 7 out of 10 young people think that it is always worth investing in traveling ", they point out in the Booking study.


Do you remember if you had a list of destinations you dreamed of traveling to? Well, Generation Z does have it and wants to fulfill it in the next 10 years.

In fact, 5 out of 6 Spaniards say so . It rises to 90% in the case of women (vs. 76% of men) . This list includes countries such as Mexico (81%) , Netherlands (74%) , South Korea (77%) or Spain (85%) .

Adventurous and optimistic.

Adventurous and optimistic.


They are the generation that is going to suffer the most from the consequences of climate change, so they are responsible travellers. 60% try to use respectful transport when they arrive at their destination, 37% want to volunteer when they travel, 52% say they would visit more unknown sites if it meant reducing their impact on the environment.

54% affirm that the impact on the environment of the destination is an important factor when deciding on a place to travel to; while 56% would like to stay in environmentally friendly accommodation.


Obviously the generation that has grown up with Instagram trusts influencers to travel or visit places -45%. 25% take more than 50 photos a day when traveling.

And who are the closest friends of the photos? According to the Booking study, south koreans (36%) , the Argentines (32%) and belgian (30%) . Although 50% of those surveyed consider that too much importance is given to social networks when traveling.

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