The Spanish disciple of Marie Kondo teaches us how to pack


What do I put in the suitcase

What do I put in the suitcase?

Both for those for whom order is their maxim and for those who need a good dose of harmony in their lives, there is a puzzle that brings all travelers upside down: how do I pack? WHAT?

And yes, the answer is also universal: a stack of 'just in case' and the squat of rigor to close the zipper. But, fellow globetrotters, if trial and error hasn't helped you learn to reduce your baggage, don't worry, we have the solution.

Organizing the trunk is no longer an impossible mission

Organizing the trunk is no longer an impossible mission

Vanessa Naughty , the Spanish disciple of marie condo , she has given us some tips for prepare suitcase on our next outing, just as you have taken advantage the spacious trunk of the New Citroën C5 Aircross SUV to teach us how to place the luggage correctly.

"I discovered that marie condo does the same thing I've done since I was little: order. I read her book The Magic of Order in a day and a half and, as soon as I finished, I contacted her and I went to Chicago to train at her seminary. That's how I started to dedicate myself to this, ”she tells us.

Vanesa Travieso is aware that the only thing that makes us store so many things is attachment , we are compulsive hoarders due to the fear of letting go of memories that we associate with material objects.

Ordering and organizing liberates but also implies a feeling of loneliness , since you suddenly find yourself deciding what you need and what you don't, ”she explains to us.

What do I put in the suitcase? And how do I fit everything in the trunk?

What do I put in the suitcase? And how to fit it all in the trunk?

In addition, she affirms that order also helps us to practice generosity, donating those things that we do not use and that other people need. "My goal is for my children tomorrow not to be attached to material things, as well as to live surrounded by things that I really need," she adds she.

Inspired by "the special aura" of the Japanese, Vanesa began to giving organization workshops throughout Spain, as well as helping people to organize their homes. She was Galician by birth and settled in Barcelona , the organization coach travels frequently, which makes her an expert in the art of packing and unpacking.

A suitcase made by Vanesa Travieiso

A suitcase made by Vanesa Travieiso


1. To be able to pack a suitcase well, we must first be clear about what are the useful clothes in our wardrobe and which ones are lost in that black hole that their background becomes. To deal with this "dramatic" dilemma, Vanessa Naughty she gives us a tip.

“When you don't know what to do with a garment, the trick is in make three piles: the one of "stays", "is gone" and "I don't know yet". You check the last one again, and if you still have doubts, hang it in the closet with hanger hook out . If after the season passes it is still in the same position, discard it, ”she reveals to us.

two. How not to succumb to the temptation of taking the house on our backs? That our suitcase is made up of 80% substitute garments is a fact. But those 'just in case' are just fear to miss something.

“The solution is to ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen to me if I don't have the pink dress and I want to wear it? Well, the answer is: absolutely nothing happens. We have to overcome attachment”, says Vanesa Travieso.

3. No, you don't need a bigger suitcase to fit more stuff. Just as it is not necessary to pack a suitcase per person. “Organizing is not about having more space, but about having less stuff. If we pack well, we can save half the space,” she says.

Four. Think more vertical. “Something I usually see in houses is that they keep the kitchen boards stacked and the pots on top. It is much more practical to store the tables vertically and not have to move everything on top of them. The same thing happens when it comes to organizing clothes or placing the trunk”, she tells us.

5. If you are one of those who never open the closet of the hotel room and you opt for a chaotic pile of clothes on top of the suitcase, forget about it. Apart from the fact that it will be easier to find what you are looking for, the clothes will not wrinkle if you hang them and when repacking the suitcase the process will be faster.

“Unpack your suitcase as soon as you arrive at your destination and when you return home, relax and unload mentally” , advises the guru of order.

6. Extra tip: **if you travel by plane** with your family, mix up everyone's clothes in your bags in case, unfortunately, one gets lost.

Another example of how to pack a smart suitcase

Another example of how to pack a smart suitcase


1. Plan: Prepare a list that is as realistic as possible with the things you think you will need and ask yourself these two questions: Where I go? and how many days?

two. Select the clothes and put them together by categories: think of a look for each day, which are also combinable with each other. Put all the clothes and accessories on your bed by categories: pants, dresses and skirts, t-shirts and shirts, jackets, underwear, swimsuits and pajamas (something we often forget), shoes, chargers, toiletry bag and toiletries...

3. Use bags to store clothes: If you are going to be gone for three or four days, take a small suitcase and use cloth bags to store clothes in sets. This trick is especially convenient for when **children travel alone**. If the getaway is shorter, use the bags to store some category and fold the rest of the clothes.

Four. Fold clothes and organize your suitcase: to optimize space, fold the pants in half and lay them out in a zigzag at the bottom of the suitcase to prevent waistbands from overlapping. On top, place Well stretched dresses and skirts.

Put your baby's clothes in bags

Put your baby's clothes in bags

for the t-shirts , Vanesa Travieso recommends us use the KonMari method: roll everything that can be rolled and take advantage of all the small spaces. The shirts and jackets we will put up to prevent wrinkling.

On the other hand, take advantage of the part of the suitcase with the irregular bottom to fit footwear in these crevices. As for the toiletry bag, organized by categories with bags -medicines, makeup, cream samples...-, you will also fit it in one of the grooves of the suitcase.


1. Wear the shoes that occupy the most positions. In the others, you can put rolled up socks or belts to save space.

two. Don't take the whole kit . Surely wherever you go, if there is an emergency, you can find a pharmacy.

3. Use small plastic bottles for gel, shampoo and creams. Although if you forget or do not have space, you can also buy it at the destination.

Four. Bring a cloth bag for dirty clothes and when you put it away, try to fold it as little as possible. Put it next to the shoes.


“Organizing the trunk is like playing Tetris , you have to take advantage of each of the gaps, ”says Vanesa. And these are the steps we must follow to achieve victory:

Placing the trunk is like playing Tetris

"Placing the trunk is like playing Tetris"

1. plan , make a list with the things that you really need to take, like with the suitcase. And above all, pack well.

two. Place the largest and heaviest at the bottom. Start with the largest suitcases or boxes with more straight shapes and place them at the bottom and in the center. It is important for a matter of weight and safety.

3. Leave what you need on hand during the trip , like the bag with food and drink.

Four. Think vertical. By fitting things in this position, you will gain a lot of space.

5. Fill in spaces. On the sides of the trunk there are always holes created to optimize space. Take advantage of them, keep there, a toy, a heavy book or a pair of umbrellas -an essential according to Vanesa Travieso , although you have to keep in mind that if you go to a hotel, they usually offer you one. Ready to put yourself to the test this Easter?

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