Amlul, the signature of Gala González that conquers drop by drop


Gala González did it first. There is the internet to prove us right. And it is that long before Instagram became the quintessential social network, the creation of digital content had its place on other platforms such as blogs, MySpace and Fotolog.

Gala went through all of them, opening a path that would change communication and fashion prescription on an international level.

How does it feel to look back? "Nostalgia, affection and above all a dream that today is tangible" the Galician responds to Condé Nast Traveler.

In mid-2019, after more than ten years in the industry, she decided to go one step further and create her own clothing brand, Amlul –name of the blog that elevated her to the top of the 2.0 universe–.

gala gonzlez

drop by drop fashion

The timelessness –supported by the philosophy #NoMoreSeasons , the Made in Spain –they have workshops in Barcelona, ​​A Coruña, Burgos and Madrid– and a limited edition ethical production These are the three pillars on which the brand stands.

Spanish fashion drop by drop and with a vocation to last forever. Sounds good, right?

We spoke with gala gonzalez , founder and creative director of Amlul , about sustainability, trends, her favorite clothes, her new life in Madrid... and the art of reinventing oneself without losing its essence.

gala gonzlez


What remains of the Gala that appeared in Fotolog and how has it evolved to have its own brand?

She is still the same girl who left A Coruña more than 17 years ago. The essence of who you are yourself should never be lost. Time is either invested or lost.

After Barcelona, ​​London and New York, why did you decide to return to Madrid and what is your life like in the capital?

The pandemic brought me here, since I used to come to Europe more than twice a month and when the borders were closed I had to make the decision to come and take care of my company, which is based and produces in Spain. The truth is that I had never lived in Madrid and I have not completely left New York where I still feel that I have my heart.

gala gonzlez

Gala González in a Southampton dress.

Tell us about the #NoMoreSeasons philosophy

The concept flees from the seasons and from living as a slave to buying in season. Design for that cosmopolitan woman who travels and who needs her clothes to adapt to her and not the other way around. From the beginning, I work with drops instead of collections that have a periodicity of four times a year.

Where are Amlul garments made and with what materials?

100% of the production processes in Amlul are developed in Spain, from its design, through its preparation to the distribution warehouse.

In addition, we work with organic or recycled fabrics to contribute to environmental improvement. "Our materials, such as organic cotton or recycled linen, have a lighter impact on the environment and are consciously produced in a more ethical or responsible way." They also use wool, cashmere, silk and mother-of-pearl, among others.

What are your favorite clothes of the last drop?

I love the knit collection we've created. Without a doubt, it adapts to the needs of today: comfort, quality and design. The Angela dress is already becoming our best seller as well as the Belar top, which since we launched it has had an incredible reception.


Top Belar, by Amlul.

What is your favorite place or places in Madrid?

I still don't know Madrid well enough because I'm relatively new, but I'm definitely staying with Josefita, the funniest Andalusian bar in the whole city, there's always a new plan but with the usual food.

And any new site that you have discovered lately?

I love Mune, because although she has been in the city for as long as I have, she makes me feel more at home, with that point of those of us who come from outside.

gala gonzlez

Gala González, founder and creative director of Amlul.

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