They install the first floating house with views of the underwater bottom in Dubai


They install the first floating house with views of the underwater bottom in Dubai

Luxury above and below the water

The installation of the first house of this type, with a 200 ton weight , has already been carried out, they explain in El País. The Floating Seahorses, a new twist for the emirate in its eagerness to reclaim land from the sea, have three floors, one of which is submerged under water. It is precisely on this level where the main bedroom and bathroom have been installed, both with large windows, in such a way that the days begin and end with unique views of the seabed.

They install the first floating house with views of the underwater bottom in Dubai

A room with a view... to the bottom of the sea!

The Floating Seahorses **will be part of The Heart of Europe**, a set of six islands within The World , the macroproject of 300 artificial islands in the shape of a world map 4 kilometers off the coast of Dubai. for now, 131 homes of this type are planned, with up to 370 m2 and prices ranging from 2.4 and 2.7 million euros.

They install the first floating house with views of the underwater bottom in Dubai

The height of relaxation was this

After completing the sale of the first and second phases of this project (The Floating Seahorse and The Floating Seahorse Signature Edition), they are currently promoting the third, The Floating Seahorse Tzar Edition, they explain on The Heart of Europe website. This new edition will be located on the island of Saint Petersburg, which will house 90 of these homes.

In addition to the underwater level, the floating houses have a living room and a kitchen at water level, with floor-to-ceiling windows and first 'line of sight' over the waters of the Persian Gulf . It also has a cover that can be used outdoors or closed, so that the surface of the room is enlarged. On the first floor you can enjoy, among other things, of an outdoor Jacuzzi.

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