Villa Verbena, the new gastronomic sensation of the Casa de Campo


Torreznos with revolconas potatoes from Villa Verbena

Torreznos with revolconas potatoes from Villa Verbena

The pandemic has brought with it a considerable increase in the number of terraces What is there in Madrid . Where there used to be parking spaces, now there are tables and chairs to enjoy outdoors and although many are very appetizing, when one thinks of a terrace that is not exactly what one imagines.

Well, imagine you are on a terrace overlooking a lake, surrounded by nature , with space for children to play and roam freely and with a gastronomic proposal at the height . Is it possible to find something like that? Now yes, because a space has arrived that in just a few weeks has become one of the sensations of the city. Is named Villa Verbena and comes to claim the resurgence and good food of one of the lungs of the city: the Cottage.

To talk about Villa Verbena we first have to know who is behind the project . They are none other than Javier Mayor, Javier Goya and David Alfonso, the founders of the TriCiclo Group (with no less than four restaurants behind it: TriCycle, Sua, Il Giro in Tandem and La Elisa ), who have joined the owners of The Hat for this new project. “A long time ago we started make dinners on the terrace of The Hat . The place is very cool and it was like having a TriCiclo terrace”, he explains to Xavier Mayor . “Although we later left him, we kept in touch. Then they went out to contest Casa de Campo kiosks and that was when Alfonso, from The Hat, asked us if we would perform together. We got three stores, but finally we stayed with two”, he continues.

That was how Villa Verbena became a reality and he has done it in a strategic place. “Twenty years ago the Casa de Campo was a great place, but unfortunately it has been in a doldrums in recent years. It is one of the largest metropolitan parks in Europe and we want to revitalize it and give it a facelift through gastronomy ”, adds Mayor. Goodbye to plastic tents, greasy food and yellow paella. Villa Verbena has come to stay.

The braves of Villa Verbena

The braves of Villa Verbena

The space is, to say the least, idyllic. On the shores of the lake and with a terrace that, as soon as the restrictions due to the current situation end, will have all of its 600m2 to accommodate diners . The sun on your face, athletes passing by and many others training with canoes on the lake, some improvised singer-songwriter entertaining the food, the birds chirping... After what we've been through, sounds like paradise, right? For now They only open during meal times , but as soon as the weather allows it, they will liven up with the nights. "In summer here the temperature drops about four degrees," they confirm. Could this also be a midsummer night's dream?

If the enclave is important, more so is the gastronomic proposal. “Here you have to eat rich always Javier points out. And knowing who is behind this statement is pure reality. “Although people do not come looking for us, but for the site itself, we have to maintain a level ”, He emphasizes. The idea that they wanted to transfer to Villa Verbena is a bit of the philosophy of Sua , with the grill as a central element, exceptional product and cooked in a simple way . “I am enjoying like a dwarf. We have a six-foot grill, Josper, natural light, views of the lake...”. There is nothing better than for things to go well whoever is in charge enjoys it so much.

Villa Verbena's menu is designed for everyone and is full of simple dishes, with homemade flavor that makes you repeat in a restaurant . In addition to fixed, they will work per season and with off menu , so the proposal will rotate. You can start with a classic anchovy and boquerón marriage or with oysters nº2 Special Le Claire both natural and seasoned. The tapas always is also present, with some exceptional homemade ham croquettes, some bravas with roasted garlic alioli or some torreznos with revolconas potatoes . The product also makes a show in the starters, among which you can try from a Grilled Arbizu Txistorra , up to one Artisan charcoal-grilled rice blood sausage or one Homemade foie toast or cecina de León cured for 22 months.

When they already have you totally engrossed with this declaration of intentions, you can continue with some grilled artichokes with foie sauce, crispy and delicious ; a roasted pepper salmorejo with marinated bonito and olives ; or surrender to the pleasure of the spoon, with tripe Madrid style ; and dishes with the TriCiclo seal such as beans with cod and its pil pil or a seafood rossejat with aioli to take off his hat.

Do you remember that we talked about a giant grill ? Well, if they already used it to give touches to some of their starters, this becomes the main bet and even has a special section on the menu. Of 'The grill of Villa Verbena' comes out a tasty Galician octopus DO Galicia with its touch of ember, some veal sweetbreads that they buy from Luis, from the Antón Martín market , a black-bellied rapito Bilbao style or fish of the day.

Inveterate carnivore? Then you have to try their Discarlux meats , from more democratic courts -but equally good- like the entrails , up to a beef tenderloin or steak , which are accompanied by homemade fries, confit piquillo peppers, a refreshing lettuce salad with onions or house-roasted peppers.

The colophon comes with its homemade desserts : Asturian-style rice pudding, strawberry from Aranjuez with orange, basil and cream ice cream, dulce de leche mille-feuille and a tasty cheesecake with a touch of blue cheese.

Artichokes from Villa Verbena

Artichokes from Villa Verbena

There is more, because soon -surely in April- They will open a covered and heated gazebo , now under construction, where the gastronomic experience is raised one more point. And in June the second location will arrive: “ The Casa de Campo is a benchmark for people who go with their families , but also for those who go to practice sports. This will be like a place where you can stop to eat something informally and more quickly”, Javier Mayor tells us.

A smoker to prepare brisket or tacos , a kind of rotisserie where they will prepare both a traditional roast chicken, as well as a tandoori, another Mediterranean... In addition to traveling dishes to eat with your hands . “It will become a kind of Biergarten”, concludes Mayor. They have even thought of setting up a bike workshop!

Tip Traveler: you can reserve your table on their website but, in addition, Villa Verbena presents a series of high tables that you can go to without a reservation (yes, with a reduced snack menu).

Villa Verbena Cheesecake

Villa Verbena Cheesecake

Address: Paseo María Teresa, 3. Country House See map

Telephone: 91 999 30 14

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