Do you want to sleep in the LEGO House in Denmark? This giveaway makes it possible for one night


Newspaper made with Lego pieces

'Lego have breakfast'?

Colored bricks everywhere. Up to 25 million pieces. The lego-house It tempts you from a distance, from Billund (Denmark) , where it opened its doors at the end of September.

Now, your wish to visit can not only come true, but be enhanced with the possibility of sleeping in its dependencies. In exclusive. You alone or with up to three companions. Nobody else.

To get this night at the LEGO House, which also includes flights from your place of origin, you just have to visit the listing published on Airbnb and answer a simple question before November 17 at 07:59 a.m. (Spanish time): “If you and your family had an unlimited amount of LEGO bricks, what would you build?”

Do you want to sleep in the LEGO House in Denmark This giveaway makes it possible for one night

Sleep (literally) on colored bricks

The answers must have between 50 and 550 characters and can be done in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese. Be careful what you imagine because once in the LEGO House, with that unlimited number of bricks at your fingertips, you will have to turn your answer into reality.

Relaxation. To carry out such a feat you will have the help of an expert: Jamie Berard, Design Director of the LEGO Group and one of the best Master Builders in the world. He will be the one who greets you when you arrive at the LEGO House and with whom you begin this adventure that will take place on November 24.

Do you want to sleep in the LEGO House in Denmark This giveaway makes it possible for one night

If you miss something, you can create it yourself

Your LEGO experience will start with lunch. Be careful, because it will not be just any: You must build with colored bricks what you want to eat. These creations will then become your meal in the LEGO House kitchen and two robot waiters will be in charge of serving you on a tray the delicacies that you yourself have devised.

After eating, the house will be at your entire disposal so that you can play (yes, it is mandatory here), explore and discover. The fact that? places like the tree of creativity , with more than six million pieces; the Gallery of Masterpieces , made up of creations made by lovers of these colorful pieces from all over the world; the Experience Zones , where you can direct movies, design robotic cars, plan cities...

Do you want to sleep in the LEGO House in Denmark This giveaway makes it possible for one night

Before bed, a little TV

Intense, very intense. This will be this experience that will reach its peak at nightfall, when it is time to sleep in a room created on a pool of pieces and located under a six-meter-high waterfall built from hundreds of tiny bricks.

The two bedrooms in the house are perfectly equipped: teddy bears, lamps, an alarm clock, a television, books and even a cat. Of course, how could it be otherwise, everything is built with LEGO pieces. The best? That if you miss something, you are surrounded by 25 million bricks with which to shape it.

Do you want to sleep in the LEGO House in Denmark This giveaway makes it possible for one night

He will watch that no one bothers you

Do you want to sleep in the LEGO House in Denmark This giveaway makes it possible for one night

cuddly details

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