Christmas in Madrid: Creative and fun plans for children


Christmas is made for them

Christmas is made for them


The Reader's House proposes a gymkhana in charge of the Brain Training Gym, based on days bilingual of fun, creative and motivating cognitive games for children from four years old. Your goal is test and stimulate memory, attention, logic, reasoning and reading speed of the little ones.

*December 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2016 and January 3 and 4, 2017 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Single day price: 18 euros; the six days cost 90 euros. It is necessary to register online.

Another of the activities offered by the center consists of a architecture workshop for boys and girls organized by ** Chiquitectos **, inspired by the fantastic adventures of James and the Giant Peach. On the occasion of Roald Dahl Centenary, the participants will experience the concepts of scale and proportion, building -as a team- a huge orange fruit that will house everyone in its magical and comfortable interior.

  • Friday, December 16 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, January 14, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Price: 12 euros. It is necessary to register online.


How is Christmas celebrated around the world? We will learn it as a family thanks to the collaboration of the embassies of 75 countries and various international institutions, which program more than 250 activities and 75 booths. Thanks to them, Matadero Madrid will become a huge snow dome in which it will be possible to dance, sing, play, buy handicrafts or try the gastronomy of Christmas from different countries of the world, as well as enjoying a cycle of Christmas carols with more than 20 concerts.

Among them stands out the event 1000 voices from Madagascar by Malagasy Gospel , a double concert at the Caja Mágica (December 17 and 18) in which 22 girls from Ankalika, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Tulear (Madagascar) join almost thirty choirs from different parts of the peninsula to form a choir of a thousand girls and adolescents.

*From December 15 to 23.

Last year the Christmas Fair was held in Conde Duque

Last year, the Christmas Fair was held in Conde Duque


Madrid is filled with performances and concerts for the little ones at Christmas. here they go some of the most interesting !:

Peppa Pig - Big Splash : The characters from the famous television series take the stage to teach boys and girls between the ages of two and six the values ​​of teamwork and friendship.

*From December 21 to January 8 at the Fernán Gómez, Cultural Center of the Villa.

Tom Thumb: This fun musical created by Ferrán González and Joan Miquel Pérez covers the Charles Perrault classic in a play full of songs for the whole family.

*From December 3 at the Rialto Theater.

Air : The BOVOJ company, formed by the fourth generation of the Aragón family, produces this musical show whose melody is formed from 150 objects, including toy instruments and everyday items.

*From December 23 to January 8 at Teatros del Canal.

Mission: Ghost on Christmas : Juan D and Beatriz, presenters of Clan TV, star in an adventure full of imagination, dance and lots of fun.

*Sundays. From December 4 to 30 at La Estación. Principe Pio Grand Theatre.

** Circus Price at Christmas :** A classic that never disappoints: acrobats, trapeze artists, clowns and other fabulous creatures propose, once again, a trip to the center of Christmas.

*From December 2 to January 8. Circus Price Theatre.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in concert : A giant screen will display the famous film, while a band will play live music to the famous film.

*January 3 at WiZink Center.

Disney in Concert : They describe it as the most complete official symphonic show of Disney, and in it we will be able to listen to the most representative songs of the factory together with the projection of images of the films in high definition.

*December 20 and 21, 2016 at Teatros del Canal.

The Ice Circus : A circus ring will be transformed into an ice skating rink under a large white tent, in which artists from the best circus schools in the world will tell a magical story. In addition, another ice rink will be located outside for those who want to practice.

*Until January 15 at Puerta del Ángel Stage.


La Casa Encendida proposes several workshops for little people to have fun at Christmas. One of the most attractive is the Radio Theater Factory, developed by the presenters of the program Procesadora, from Radio 3 Extra. It proposes to tell invented stories using the voice, the body, pots, toys, instruments and everything that makes noise and that we find at home or on the street.

*From December 27 to 30, Tuesday to Friday, between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., for boys and girls from 8 to 12 years old. Price: 20 euros.

The Ice Circus promises a magic show

The Ice Circus promises a magical show


The Children's and Youth Book Fair of Madrid celebrates 40 years bringing the best literature to the little ones during Christmas, and this year is not going to be an exception. The event also has several Parallel activities , as well as book presentations and a permanent exhibition organized by the Professional Association of Illustrators of Madrid to commemorate the anniversary.

*From December 1, 2016 to January 8, 2017 at the Conde Duque Cultural Center. Tuesday to Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sundays and December 6 and 8, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Closed Monday, Sunday afternoon and holidays (December 24, 25 and 31 and January 1, 5 and 6).


Celia, the children's literature classic that conquered thousands of readers in the 1930s, comes to the rooms of the ABC Museum through the first illustrations that gave plastic life to the character. They were carried out by the painter and illustrator Serny (Ricardo Summers and Isern), of which the curator of the exhibition has affirmed that she "links with a Spanish heritage that she has as referring to Goya , and a certain Frenchification linked to the work of Renoir, Manet or Toulouse-Lautrec ".

Likewise, the museum also holds several **Christmas workshops** related to the traditions of this time of year.

*From December 13, 2016 to April 16, 2017.

The illustrations of 'Celia' marked more than a generation

The illustrations of 'Celia' marked more than a generation

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