Bali flavored 'ñ'


The Kabron Bali

The Kabron, obviously, Spanish

The Kabron The most anticipated hour of Bali is approaching, sunset, when the night begins to be planned and we still have enjoy the spectacle of the sun setting over the indian ocean and dyeing the horizon with brush strokes that range from orange to pink. The best sunset on the island? Surely, the one at ** Chiringuito El Kabrón **.

With a name that leaves no doubt about the origin (and humor) of its owners, David Iglesias and three Spanish partners , this bar-restaurant hanging some 40 meters above the beach near Uluwatu It has been accumulating fans for a few months, who come for its unrepeatable views accompanied by tasty tapas. The venue is a simple white house with a thatched roof and cushions that open up to panoramic views of the ocean. Black rice, bravas potatoes and grilled squid among others come from the kitchen of Marc Torices , who previously worked at the San Pau restaurant in Barcelona , creditor of 3 Michelin stars.

David came to Bali in 2003 to surf and learn languages, and was caught up in the environment, the people and the weather. Today, he smiles in disbelief as he realizes that his beach bar has become one of the most fashionable places on the island.

Nammos Beach Club Imagine going down to the beach in a cable car that descends from a cliff 85 meters above the beach. The rocks give way to an intense blue sea of ​​Mediterranean air and, in the background among the white sand, you can see a bamboo beach bar. welcome to ** Nammos Beach Club ** probably the most beautiful beach in Bali . Getting to this piece of paradise isn't free, unless you're staying at the Karma Kandara hotel, but just arriving is worth paying 20 euros (redeemable for drinks at the bar). The descent is one of those that are not forgotten.

Nammos Beach Club Bali

A taste of Spanish party on the most beautiful beach in Bali

downstairs awaits us Honey Hoad , Spanish father and Australian mother, director of Nammos. Honey tells us that a client rented the premises to ask her girlfriend to marry her. The key question “Will you marry me?” it was written in the sand in large letters that the interested party read while she descended in the cable car. A proposal not to forget!

It is one in the afternoon, and many tables are occupied with people eating. A group of friends in the latest fashion - two-tone bikinis, Borsalino hats and shorts - dance to the DJ's lounge rhythms and on the beach half a dozen young parents toast with champagne for the 40th birthday of one of them, while their children run around the sand. float in the environment an air of relaxation, very chic and with a sexy touch that invites you not to leave here all day.

The iron It's Friday night and the surfers have come out of the water. Where are you going? Many of them to The iron , chosen by the CNN travel portal as one of the best beach bars in the world and which has managed to displace Balinese night heavyweights such as KU DE TA or Potatohead .

The Malaga Gonzalo Assiego opened this bar , which seems to have been transferred from any Spanish coast to Bali, two years ago. The night we visited, the beach was invaded by young people of all nationalities who bintang (the local beer) ice cold in hand swayed to the beat of reggae. across the bar, Juanjo tries to meet the demand for drinks running from one place to another and responding in several languages. The party lasts until almost dawn, and hard to believe that we are not in Ibiza.

The Bali Iron

One of the best beach bars in the world, according to CNN

Bali Crazy Bags Loreto Calderon He came to Bali from Chicago for almost a year to work with gallery owners and promoters. Just a few months ago she decided to create her own line of leather bags and accessories. With a very modern aesthetic that sometimes reminds us of the gangster world, orders rain down on her thanks to word of mouth and the launch of her collection on her Facebook. The key piece of it is a small bag to put the essentials and carry hanging “travelling, dancing, walking or running” In the words of this Madrilenian, she often does all of the above on the same day.

Bali Crazy Bags

The creations of bags and accessories by Loreto Calderón

Villa Mersuka the spanish painter Mersuka Dopazo and her husband, the architect Felipe González, had the courage to grab her four small children and settle in Bali a little over a year ago. They came looking for adventure and fleeing from crisis , and her collaboration has produced Villa Mersuka , a luxury house among the rice fields of Canggu in Bali that they rent for seasons. Villa Mersuka is a lively house, for families with children or large groups, who will find themselves comfortable in its spacious 1,000 square meters. But what makes this villa different from the rest is that it constitutes the private universe of its owners, who happen to be artists. The result is a inspiring space, warm, great fun and surrounded by the impressive greenery of the rice fields of Bali, 5 minutes from the echo beach . Mersuka also has her own gallery in Bali where she sells part of her work, Sukyf.

Villa Mersuka Bali

Inspiring, warm, fun... accommodation near Echo Beach

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