We weigh more: the new Condé Nast Traveler magazine


Anne Menke

"Nomads for a New World"

You will notice it as soon as the kiosk gives it to you; You will feel it as soon as you take it out of the mailbox and even, hopefully, during a happy browsing in one of the phenomenal hotels that faithfully host us in their libraries. You'll notice it because it's obvious and we have no intention of hiding it: we weigh more. Boom.

Look, touch the cover: 300 grams now hold the pages so that the new Condé Nast Traveler accompanies you on all your adventures without losing sizing; what a pretty word and what starch.

We weigh more also because we expand pagination –count, count them–, because we don't want you to run out of words, that your trip runs out. And because we fervently believe in the long, very long life of paper thanks to you , since you have made it possible for us to be the publication leader of the traveling universe in brand media according to the latest EGM , with 1,661,000 impacts and a growth of 21%.

Add it to the fact that year after year we write down new subscriptions –We are fascinated by that smile when we arrive at your house– and the rhythm does not stop in kiosks and bookstores, with exciting increases of up to almost 50%.

I admit that being so literary does not help to write these lines brimming with figures, such as an applied Dustin Hoffman in front of the blackboard in Straw Dogs, oh, those arithmetic prescription glasses, but these are the numbers that appear on our scale, those who tell us this, that we weigh more, and nothing makes us happier than sharing it and celebrating it with you.

Thus, with the magazine that is already waiting for you, a new bimonthly stage begins because we all need time, blessed time: us to write stories and you to read them. In the meantime, we will continue pulling miles on traveler.es, whose more than 4 million unique users They show that, although traveling seems like a heroic act in these ugly days we live in, or perhaps because of that, the globetrotting momentum appears stronger than ever.

More art, more literature, more design, more gastronomy, more beauty, more fashion, more secondary roads, more restless lives, more hotels, more architecture, more planes, more sustainability, more technology... We tell you more about everything and everything else because optimism moves us, the illusion to take you from one place to another and offer you thousands of windows to the world, just as it turns the corner where the wind turns.

Take a look at the videos we publish on our YouTube channel and on Instagram, @cntravelerspain, viral phenomena that you and your irremediable desire to share have made possible: love letters to the verbenas that have not been, to the Galician homesickness, to the Balearic blue or to invincible summers.

Anecdotes narrated by our favorite travelers in the addictive #YoSoyTravelerQuiz, magical visits to the hotels that have returned, that will return and that await us, conversations with the protagonists of the sector in which to analyze the present with suitcases ready for the future, laboratories of ideas that connect and help because “help” is the verb that will change the world... all this and much more is Condé Nast Traveler.

Hence the cover, which is not only about three children flying to their Neverland, the precise moment captured by the photographer Anne Menke during his epic trip to Africa: it is also a call to become nomads for a new world. To understand, finally, that tempus fugit and that the journey begins every day. It's time to give weight to what really matters. Happy autumn.

Anne Menke

We weigh more

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