Attention, adult: Finally you can celebrate your birthday in a Chiquipark


Don't tell us you weren't looking forward to it

Don't tell us you weren't looking forward to it

No, of course not! Because in this second childhood that is adulthood there is also room for do the idiot with the painted face of colors: Happy Parc, Jungla Park and Periquitos Park are some of the establishments that make this fantasy come true, also watering it with various liquors, which is why we have turned 18. Is this mixture the ultimate birthday experience?

The packages, which usually include t three hours of fun for around 30 euros , offer -in addition to the chance to roll around in the ball pool like a pig and trying to slide your 30-year-old ass down six-year-old slides - group dinners. They are made up of everything we can ask for on such an important date: montaditos, potato omelette, pizza, ice cream, sausage... in short, pure delicatessen with which to settle an upset stomach from so much throwing away.

Some, like Periquitos Park, also offer you a wonderful gymkhana (how little we use that word since we don't go to camps...) with tests that include feats such as tour the ball park blindfolded or tie your feet with your partner. And don't look like you're above that because you're looking forward to it... So are we.

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