The map of the Green Routes of Madrid to reach by public transport


The map of the Green Routes of Madrid to reach by public transport

The excuse that nature is far away is no longer going to work for you

You don't spend more time outdoors because you live in the center of Madrid And boy, is it all asphalt. You are no longer in contact with nature because the mountains are very far away, and how lazy. if you had a car would you do a hiking trail at least every weekend. excuses? Reality? Either way, they're done.

The Regional Transport Consortium has updated its map Green Routes of Madrid in which he collects 30 tours that can be done on foot or by bike in the Community of Madrid and with a detail that allows to solve that of not having a car or that the mountains are very far: they all begin or end at some stop on the public transport network.

The project, which began in 2011, already adds 512 kilometers that can be seen reflected in a very intuitive map that will remind more than one of the Community's metro network.

The routes are grouped by sectors that can be located thanks to the presence of the roads that surround Madrid or that start from the city. In addition, its layout facilitates understand at a glance the interconnections between them.

The map is accessed through the website of the Transport Consortium, where you can also find information on the distance, difficulty and points of natural or historical interest in each of the routes in KMZ or PDF files to download and carry during the journey. And it is that due to the simplicity to follow its layout, these routes do not have specific signage Beyond the informative vinyls that can be found in the stations with data on the environment and the itinerary.

At the moment, the map shows 30 routes that start or end at 50 Metro, Light Rail and Cercanías stations. By the end of the year they hope to reach 40 routes. Until that happens, there is already enough material to start walking or cycling.

The map of the Green Routes of Madrid to reach by public transport

Map of the Green Routes

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