The Internet has the perfect soundtrack for your vacation


A good song can make an EPIC journey

A good song can make an EPIC journey

Music has become an indispensable part of our lives. Telephones and music players accompany us full of songs at every step we take , allowing us to abstract from the world and find in the notes and lyrics of each song a companion, a motivator or a shelter . On vacation, the music that we take with us is also the protagonist of the trip and just as relevant as the rest of the elements that we plan before leaving.

Despite the change of scenery and activity, the themes that will become the soundtrack during our getaway are an important decision that, in fact, can condition the way we enjoy and perceive the trip. Just like packing a suitcase, searching the Internet to decide what to visit, or even booking hotels and activities, playlists can be another one of the preparations that help us to be ready and that extend the experience of the trip a little more in time. Because, although the most intense part is experienced once we leave for our destination, the days before , in which you dream of things to see and experiences to live, are also part of the sensations of the getaway. The before, during and after the adventure can be linked by music.



Some companies have realized the importance of musical notes and the choice of themes for all those travelers who seek to squeeze experiences to the fullest . For this reason, they have decided to create lists for those who do not want to spend time preparing their own selection of songs. His creations aspire to fit perfectly with the city that is visited and, even, with the means of transport in which the displacement takes place. For example, Google and TripAdvisor have signed an agreement to create different playlists that accompany travelers to the most popular destinations.

Designed to emulate the atmosphere of the place you visit, they can be heard on Google Play. London, New York, Montreal or Paris These are some of the cities that already have their own selection in order to delight the ears of visitors and help them connect even more with the spirit of the city. Latin-inspired songs for Miami and rap for the San Francisco area are just some of the options to choose from.

Spotify has also been designing lists for some time to fit in with our traveling experiences. In his case, it is not just about choosing a selection that corresponds to a city, although New York, Paris or Chicago have their own compilations, but he has also devised compendiums of themes to accompany us according to the means of transport in which we move Trips by car, by bicycle and even transatlantic flights have their own collection so that the hours of travel become more enjoyable and even so that we do not think of them as a boring journey to the destination, but as another opportunity to enjoy. If, despite everything there is to choose from, we do not find a list that fits, nothing happens: just make one that we like. The Internet is full of ideas, and applications like Spotify or Google Play will allow us to save our personal compilations.

Paris is well worth a good playlist

Paris is well worth a good playlist

If we need inspiration, and beyond these selections made by companies, some publications offer their own lists of songs for –and about– travel. In the end, What better company for adventure than those songs that talk about the concept of traveling and about the freedom to leave? The mythical Born to be wild by Steppenwolf, the Canadian rock group of the 60s and 70s, leads one of the lists. Considered an anthem of road trips, and especially on motorcycles, it is a total invitation to escape through its lyrics. Nevertheless, each listener could choose their own number one from her.

However, the best themes that will accompany us on an adventure do not have to talk about it itself. It doesn't even connect with the spirit of the city. The magic of music makes a song become a symbol even if it has nothing to do with the place we visit. maybe it was just the theme that played through your headphones when you walked through the streets of Prague . Or that song that you recognized in the London bar where you were with your friends and that you all started singing.

You put the rhythm

You put the rhythm!

Luckily, and after the preparation and having traveled with the music in tow, we still have to enjoy the last phase of the songs and the trip: the memories. Music has the power to move us back to moments and experiences that we have lived. So, even with the escapade over , listening again to the list that accompanied us during the adventure or accidentally reaching the theme that made us vibrate during the visit will allow us to move once again and, although in a different way, travel through memory

However, despite the many advantages of preparing a list and using the Internet to get the best compilation, remember not to miss the sounds of the city you are visiting . A playlist cannot be a substitute, but rather a companion to the music that you can discover in the location you travel to and that it will also become part of your memories.

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