Jane Labowitch, the artist who traveled to India to draw it with... Telesketch


Jane Labowitch the artist who traveled to India to draw it with... Telesketch

Taj Mahal: expert level in the use of Telesketch

Jane, now 24, spent seven days in India, during which she visited Delhi, Jaipur, Karauli and Agra , hand in hand with Intrepid Travel and its Golden Triangle Tour . "It was my first trip to India and what impressed me the most were the palaces and monuments. Humayun's Tomb, Amber Fort and Taj Mahal caught my attention. ", she explains in statements to Traveler.es.

For this reason, it was these three enclaves that inspired part of her creations in Telesketch, among which you can also see elements of everyday life in India such as the famous tuk tuk . "I learned a lot about the rich history of the palaces and structures that I saw. Also about the different religions that I met and about their delicious food."

Jane Labowitch the artist who traveled to India to draw it with... Telesketch

A tuk tuk based on hairlines and button movement

Jane likes to always go above and beyond. "I like to choose subjects that are challenging, like the details of architecture. I really enjoy capturing the small details.” Something that is evident in her reproduction of the ceiling of the hall of mirrors of the Amber Fort. Pure wonder.

Although he is passionate about working live and direct, most of her work is done "using a reference photo. This is the case of the work of my trip to India" . Her simplest creations usually take less than half an hour and her most detailed ones can take over 20 hours. "The obas I created for Intrepid Travel took between one and 10 hours per image" , she comments.

Jane Labowitch the artist who traveled to India to draw it with... Telesketch

Amber Fort hall of mirrors

Princess Etch A Sketch is currently working on creating her next series on artwork. "I reproduce by directly observing the original paintings" . You can learn more about her work through her website.

Jane Labowitch the artist who traveled to India to draw it with... Telesketch

Recreation of Humayun's Tomb

Jane Labowitch the artist who traveled to India to draw it with... Telesketch

Humayun's Tomb in Delhi

Jane Labowitch the artist who traveled to India to draw it with... Telesketch

The interior of the Red Fort seen by Princess Etch A Sketch

Jane Labowitch the artist who traveled to India to draw it with... Telesketch

Detail of the Red Fort

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