Forget decorative maps: What your house needs is a traveling tree!


My Travel Tree

The gift that every traveler needs at home

From the classic photo frames to the famous maps where you can mark the countries you have already visited, going through DIY albums, starry skies or polaroids taken from Instagram.

Every time we strive more to be original when giving gifts, and the more personalized, the better.

Do not despair if you have run out of ideas, We have a gift to surprise any globetrotting soul with: traveling trees.

My Travel Tree

All the memories of your trips in the most original format

Maria Calderon she is the person behind this project. And if anyone can put a story to this object –which we know you are already looking forward to having in your house–, that is her.

María is from Seville and her husband is Dutch. The couple and their three children moved to Tokyo in 2009.

“It was as shocking as if I had gone to the moon. They are so different from everything I knew in absolutely every aspect, he says. My husband gave me a motorcycle and every day, after taking the children to school, I went to see a different neighborhood, ”she tells

There she learned to deeply admire and respect the Japanese: “they are very polite, discreet, considerate and so mysterious. Their values ​​and lifestyle are radically different”, continues María.

Maria Calderon

María Calderón, tireless traveler and creator of My Travel Tree

After two years in Japan, they moved to Australia, where she was born **Tobris My Travels Tree (named after Tokyo and Brisbane, the two places where she had lived outside of Europe).**

“I decided to design and market a product that I wanted for my own family and that I couldn't find on the market. I thought that, just like me, there must be a lot of people wanting to have something physical, tangible and meaningful to remember their travels." explains this Sevillian economist.

Winner of the Australian Designer Award in the 'Gift & Lifestyle' category, this travel gadget is the The most original way to accumulate trips and memories as we add signs with the places visited.

The starter set comes with the support, three signals and the title. All other additional signs are sold in sets of three. And you can use your own texts and images!

My Travel Tree

Choose the branches of your tree or personalize them with your own photos!

And what branches do we find in María Calderón's tree? "Out of Europe: Mauritius Island, Madagascar, Japan, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, Vanuatu, Namibia, United States, Iceland, Oman, Dubai... I really have almost everything left to discover,” she says.

Tokyo is without a doubt the city that most impacted Maria. “Another very special trip, also in Japan, was Sapporo, the capital of the island of Hokkaido, during the ice festival,” she recalls.

As for the branches he would like to add to her tree: “What I want most right now is to meet South America , for many reasons, among them, because of its proximity to Spanish culture and history”.

The new projects of this tireless traveler? “Right now I am discovering ceramics, specifically porcelain, and I am turning it around to merge it with the traveling trees, for example, creating signs of this material”.

Put a traveling tree in your life!

My Travel Tree

How leafy is your traveling tree?

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