Christmas window displays in Paris



Dior organizes the idyllic Paris of the Printemps galleries

Tourists with cameras in hand, accidental passers-by, lifelong Parisians, and children, many children queue these days in one of the most famous shopping avenues of the French capital, the Boulevard Haussmann , to admire the windows of the Galleries Lafayette and Printemps , a ritual whose tradition dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. This year, on the windows, we will see little snow and less Christmas but a lot of luxury and sophistication, not by chance the windows of both stores have been designed in collaboration with two great fashion, Christian Dior and Louis Vuitton.

PRINTEMPS Founded in 1865, the printemps galleries they are one of the symbols of the architectural heritage of the city and one of the first stores to celebrate Christmas by dressing its facade and shop windows with lights and lavish decorations. This year and with the title “Parisian Inspirations” , Printemps gives us a total of 11 showcases made in collaboration with Christian Dior, an oneiric journey that runs through the most emotional scenes of a Idyllic and snowy Paris.

Printemps storefront

"Parisian Inspirations" by Printemps

Especially crowded are the four animated shop windows in which 74 figures, produced by hand and dressed in haute couture, perform choreographies before the attentive gaze of passers-by, who, coincidentally or not, have found a spectacle in the middle of the street to delight in the cold Parisian winter.

And if you want to get warm, a lunch or snack in the sensational Brasserie, under its no less spectacular dome, you will prolong that rare sensation of living a unique moment.

LAFAYETTE "Christmas of the Century" . With this title, the emblematic warehouses commemorate the hundred years of its famous Art Nouveau glass dome, decorated with stained glass windows and sculpted Byzantine-inspired motifs. To do this, the teachings have counted with the exception of Louis Vuitton . The luxury firm has designed a series of sets under the theme "The dance of the century" in its 11 windows on boulevard Haussmann. Set against a dazzling background of geometric motifs inspired by the architecture of the dome, subtly reminiscent of the iconic Louis Vuitton monograms, a collection of exotic and wild animals – penguins, panda bears and flamingos among others – are intertwined in an elaborate choreography.


Lafayette, exoticism at the hands of Louis Vuitton

Less spectacular are the showcases on the rue de la Chaussee d'Antin , dedicated to children, where for the first time the Disney brand recreates its universe of princesses, Snow White and Cinderellas escaping from the twelve enchanted chimes.

But more than the window displays, what really makes the Christmas of the century in Lafayette is the gigantic Christmas tree, with Swarovski crystals and raised under the famous dome. Really impressive. To contemplate it with complete peace of mind, have a glass of champagne in the Bar a Bulles on the first floor and marvel at one of probably the most luxurious commercial scenes in the world.

And if you've been wanting more from Paris, take a look at our guide.


Disney storefront on Rue de la Chaussée d’Antin


Disney at Lafayette

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