Happy, festive and inclusive: countdown to Veranos de la Villa 2019


Joyful and inclusive holidays countdown to Veranos de la Villa 2019

Let's enjoy, let's enjoy the culture that is offered to us

Let's enjoy, enjoy and much of the Summers of the Villa that come to us: happy, festive, inclusive, open to all, with a lot of feminine and much more variety. For all tastes and for all audiences. Let's enjoy, enjoy and a lot of the culture that is offered to us.

Between June 28 and September 1 , Veranos de la Villa 2019 will make us forget about the scorching asphalt and the torrid Madrid summer; they will make the photos of our acquaintances on Instagram make us a little less envious; and they will get being in Madrid in August is a delight not only because the metro is emptier, but also because cultural life continues, it doesn't get lethargic.

Joyful and inclusive holidays countdown to Veranos de la Villa 2019

Katia Guerrero

A) Yes, the 21 districts of the capital will host different spaces in which more than 90 artistic proposals will be displayed. We already know and we have verified that not only the central almond lives the Madrilenian and that the periphery pulls us, and a lot.

In these two months there will be concerts that will sound like jazz, classical, popular music, electronic, flamenco and verbena. They will not miss the cinema, the circus (without animals, of course), theater, dance, magic and even sports. And set to come up, the Veranos de la Villa 2019 rise to the top with proposals that border on the extravagance that from the beginning supposes what is different to invite us to return to popular games, to enjoy electronic music underwater or, why not?, fireworks shows... during the day.

We could break down each proposal one by one and eternalize ourselves reaching the 20 minutes of reading that none of you will reach. We prefer, instead, to refer you to the ** official program ** and from here to highlight that, for example, on June 30 we will listen to the fadista Katia Guerrero ; on July 5, we will enjoy the exhibition of skateboarding professionals ; On July 14 we will let ourselves be surprised with the 'unexpected' concert to be held at the Quinta de los Molinos ; the 20th of July We will step on the moon with Xoel López to celebrate, between scientific explanations and with the soundtrack of the Galician singer-songwriter, that 50 years ago Apollo 11 reached our satellite; and on Saturday the 27th we will encourage sleep rough (yes, in the open, with a sack and everything) in the garden of La Partida.

Joyful and inclusive holidays countdown to Veranos de la Villa 2019

Xoel Lopez

We impatiently await the arrival of August because on the 1st The film Virgen de Agosto, by Jonás Trueba, will be previewed. Filmed entirely in Madrid between August 1 and 15 last year, the director tells the story of a woman who stays in her city while the festivals of San Cayetano, San Lorenzo and La Paloma are celebrated.

On the 9th or the 21st, we'll see which one suits us best, we'll launch to karaoke, a massive one in which anyone can go out and sing and anyone can become the star of a concert or a video clip. On the 24th we will not miss the opportunity to enjoy a verbena on the esplanade in front of the Royal Palace (what do you want, the body asks us to dance) ; On the 25th we will be stunned by the Cirque La Compagnie acrobatics ; on the 29th we will have fun with the cabaret zarzuela by Rodrigo Cuevas.

And yes, we already know that everything happens and that all good things come to an end. The Veranos de la Villa will not dodge these maxims and will bet on saying goodbye with a fireworks show in the Enrique Tierno Galván park on Sunday, September 1.

The fires will last half an hour and will start at 10:00 p.m. , but the appointment will start an hour before with a picnic to say goodbye to summer in a delicious way, "Wishing that artifice and fire, and this other inhabit the city, continue to illuminate autumn and what is to come" , pick up on your show.

Joyful and inclusive holidays countdown to Veranos de la Villa 2019

Poster of the Veranos de la Villa 2019

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