An unknown trick to travel more economically


Discounts for recommending Apps to your friends

Discounts for recommending Apps to your friends

A trip beyond our borders, a weekend getaway a few kilometers from our town or a simple dinner in a restaurant. Depending on how our personal economy is doing, we adapt our leisure time to one plan or another . Of course, whether it is a cruise through the Norwegian fjords or renting a rural house in Burgos, the truth is that we feel a similar satisfaction when we save a few euros by booking a trip thanks to an offer.

If you are one of those who get excited about the coupons of Family Check distributed in the subway, you obsessively analyze the evolution of flight prices on websites such as skyscanner , don't miss the varied daily offers of catch it or you know that there are ways to find table companions on the AVE so that the ticket is cheaper, you will probably love knowing new alternatives to obtain discounts.

In the era of the collaborative economy, in addition to the websites that offer coupons to save a percentage of the cake that an app will charge you, a new way to enjoy them at a lower price has also become fashionable: recommend the service to your friends. Thus, while the application benefits from the exponential growth of its number of users thanks to to virtual word of mouth , you can travel the world spending less money than you thought.


airbnb , the vacation home rental portal where you can even book a room just like Vincent Van Gogh's in Arles , offers travel credits for recommending the platform to colleagues and family. If you are not one of the 60 million Airbnb guests, you should know that just by registering, the platform already informs you that you and your colleague you can enjoy 30 euros of credit once you have made the reservation following your suggestion.

The 'app' not only aims to attract guests, but also hosts, so if your comrade is in charge of hosting them, you will receive 65 euros of credit. To obtain funds through these two modes, which are compatible with each other, you just have to send the invitations through Gmail, Messenger or Facebook, or send a simple link that the platform provides through the "Invite your friends" option.



Of course, the system has certain limits to avoid possible abuses of those who presumably have acquaintances in each port . The platform allows you to earn a maximum of 5,000 dollars (4,500 euros) of credit and the user has one year to spend it. In addition, according to its terms and conditions, the promotional links They “should not” be distributed on platforms like Reddit or Wikipedia to prevent them from being used for commercial purposes.

Other hotel booking apps have also followed Airbnb's lead. It is the case of HotelTonight, a last minute hotel booking service that also offers discount codes to be shared with friends and family. Both they and you will receive $25 off (22 euros) for reserving a room for a cost equal to or greater than $135 (122 euros).


The giant Uber, which is already testing its driverless cars in the United States, makes it possible both for drivers to earn money by attracting others and for its users to pocket free trips by encouraging third parties to use the platform.

If one of your friends registers with your invitation code (which you can share by SMS, email and social networks or by sending the link) your first ride will be free. In addition, you will not have to pay for your next trip in any place where there is the same currency as in the town where you registered.

Uber is even more blunt than Airbnb when it comes to prohibiting the distribution of promotional codes, and in addition to noting that their publication on discount voucher websites is not allowed, it details that they cannot be promoted in search engines either ( AdWords, Yahoo or Bing ) .

The 'Ride Sharing' points to the recommendations

The 'Ride Sharing' points to the recommendations

Other ride sharing applications have imitated Uber and also offer promotional codes for adding new customers to their services. It is the case of MyTaxi —which provides a voucher of 10 euros to both the user and the colleague through the Earn money option—, from the Spanish company Cabify (with discounts of 6 euros for both by clicking on Free trips) — or lyft (which also gives a free trip to both and also offers 55 dollars of credit, about 50 euros, to new users). In this way, if many of your acquaintances need to rent vehicles to move around the cities, you can progressively send them invitations to the different apps and thus take advantage of the offers of each one. All a bargain.


When you spend a few days in another city, you will not only need an application to stay and another to move around its streets. If you are traveling on business, it can also come in handy to receive food in the same place where you stay. Postmates , an app that allows you to order from stores and restaurants in cities across the United States, also offers 10 euros discount both to the one who recommends and to the one who follows the advice.


You are sociable? Join BonAppetour

If, as a good lover of gastronomy, you love to enjoy the gastronomic delights of the place you visit, there is also an app for you: BonAppetour . This service allows locals from countries all over the planet (in Spain it is available in seven locations) to welcome tourists into their homes to offer them a traditional meal. This sort of Airbnb of restoration offers, like the housing rental platform, a reward both for convincing new users (14 euros, the same amount of credit that the future guest receives) and for achieving new hosts (32 euros). ) .

So now you know: by downloading a few apps and spending a lot of time sending out invites left and right, you too can make vacations and getaways a little cheaper.

Follow @CristinaSanzM

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