In these Madrid bookstores you will find happiness


Inspiring charismatic welcoming

Welcoming, charismatic, inspiring

Small, large, welcoming, charismatic and, without a doubt, inspiring.

The bookstores they are a haven of tranquility, calm and warmth in a time characterized by haste, screens and impulsive and often careless words that we utter through social networks.

Madrid , cultural as well as administrative capital, houses some of these special places in its streets that, more than store books, they treasure them as if they were authentic works of art.

Manuela is a young creative who has just landed in Madrid . During today, she intends to visit some bookstores to take a look at the latest news, and browse through the shelves those novels, essays and manuals that promise to captivate you with her words.

Gray hat in hand, she begins to walk. And we, hand in hand pixartprinting Let's go with her. Do you accompany us between bookstore and bookstore?

We will get to true temples of cinema, to places where the demand for women's rights transcends paper, to bookstores where guides and maps pile up to make us dream of travel.

Also to chaotic piles of volumes in which to find lost treasures, to secret underground collections, and to unavoidable classics of the city such as the Moyano slope.

Nor do we forget to set foot in art, photography, design bookstores, those that cause us, at a glance, a Stendhal syndrome; nor of those that pair reading with a good wine... and those, that hide art in every corner and even some other cake to sweeten the turning of the pages? But never, never forget the most important thing: "A book should be built like a watch and sold like a sausage"

They inspire us they are so necessary...

They inspire us, they are so necessary...

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