San Isidro 2019: where are you going with a Manila shawl?


Everything returns San Isidro too

Everything returns: San Isidro too

200 events and 19 scenarios (four more than last year) . Madrid he gets more chulapo than ever in this San Isidro 2019 . And you, where are you going, Pichi?

from this Friday May 10 and until Wednesday 15 , Madrid becomes more traditional and authentic than ever. Everything will start with the writer's proclamation elvira cute the May 10 at 8:00 p.m. from the balcony of the house of the Villa.

And then? The party expands throughout the madrid map : the Plaza Mayor, the Vistillas, the Plaza de la Villa and the Plaza de Oriente, the San Isidro meadow, the El Retiro Park, the Conde de Barajas square, the Juan Goytisolo square, the Rose Garden, the Temple of Debod, the Tierno Galván park, the José Meneses Bandstand, the Las Comendadoras and Ópera squares, Juanelo and Arganzuela streets (at the height of Madrid Río), the Planetarium, Lavapiés and the Municipal Centers. All of them will be the scenarios of San Isidro 2019.

where are you going with manila shawl

Where are you going with manila shawl?


Two mantras will be the protagonists of the 2019 edition: on the one hand, inclusion in programming (with passes in sign language, 200,000 bracelets to care for people with disabilities and devices such as magnetic loops or vibrating backpacks); on the other, the diversity.

Because this poster of events, concerts and shows is unparalleled : from Kiko Veneno to Los Chunguitos , from Mikel Erentxun to Novedades Carminha , from La Bien Querida to Rosario la Tremendita ... from the dreamy pop of Anni B Sweet to the unstoppable party of La Dame Blanche ; from the scoundrel of Tequila to the **feminist couplet of the Livianas Provincialas**... who doesn't dance here is because he doesn't want to . (Consult in this link all the musical programming and its schedules).

Among all the activities, we highlight a major, sidereal, interplanetary madness. It's about the session Rock and Astronomy Under the Sky , an initiative of Unitedsoundofcosmos, the International Astronomical Union, the Astrobiology Center, the European Space Agency, the Spanish Astronomy Society, the Madrid Planetarium, the South Astronomical Association.

And what is all this about? "Simplemente", an astronomy class that comes from the thinking heads of **Lagartija Nick and José A. Caballero (Unitedsoundofcosmos)**, in which we will travel to outer space through their music. "Can we delve into the darkness of the universe through rock music?" reads the program... we will have to go to the **Planetarium on May 10 (from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.) ** to find out.

Light Provincial

Light Provincial


In the extensive program of festivities, tradition is present starting with the Parade of Giants and Big Heads (on May 10 at 6:00 p.m. from Calle de la Sal to Plaza de la Villa; and on May 11 at 12:00 p.m. , whose route will begin in the Plaza de la Villa and end in the Municipal Board of the Center).

One of the great milestones of the program is the **Feria de la Cacharrería (in the Plaza de las Comendadoras, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.) ** which has been teaching the culture of ceramics in San Isidro.

On May 11, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Las Vistillas, there will be dance classes for everyone, where they will teach steps and dances that are part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Madrid . Who signs up?

In the meadow of San Isidro , and accompanied by the Federation of Traditional Madrid Groups, we will dance to the rhythm of chotis and pasodobles in the Dance and traditional vermouth (May 11 and 12 at 12:00 p.m.).

On May 11 at 9:30 p.m. we will have the opportunity to enjoy the Municipal Symphonic Band of Madrid that will delight us with the preludes and pasodobles under the direction of Francisco José Martínez Marcos in the Plaza Mayor. Of the unruly a The Festival of the Dove going by the calesera either Under the Sky of Madrid by Jose Padilla. Seeing this turn-of-the-century orchestra live is a delight.

On May 12, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. will be held on the Mayor beach a sample of folklore dedicated to San Isidro , a tribute that has been law since 1953: dances, dances, songs, regional costumes...

On May 14, in the San Isidro meadow, a verbena will be recreated as they were done in the 30s (from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.), barrel organ music, chotis classes, garlands... for all ages and for all times. From 9:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. the relay will be taken by the Organillo Sound System, because "the Chotis is not dead" , and that is why styles as different as the pasodible, the mazurca, the copla, the cuplé, the bolero... will be played here.

Also in the Plaza Mayor will be held on the last day, May 15, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. the XXXVI edition of the Madrid Dance Festival.

Giants and big heads 'take' the Puerta del Sol

Giants and big heads 'take' the Puerta del Sol


These parties are to dance, to unite, to return to that Madrid of celebration in the streets. That is why this year the activities for the whole family complete a round poster. San Isidro Kids It is the children's festival in Madrid Río. Organized by Play'n'Kids , during all the 15 th of May (from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.) the little ones will be able to sing and dance in the Chulapop stage.

In addition, the ship from Teneras will become the monster space , perfect for making crafts and turning their carnations into monsters (beware, because for this activity you will have to reserve your free invitation through )

The Clock House, meanwhile, on May 15 will be called chuli space . Here the thing is about making noise, and practicing how to do it without stopping with the boomwhackers (you will also have to reserve an invitation in

But if something will catch the attention of the little ones, it is the great Tree of San Isidro, the meeting point to not stop playing and where magic is the protagonist...


San Isidro, as patron saint of Madrilenian women and men, entertains us this year with his own lyrics: a typeface called 'Chulapa' that the City Council gives to anyone who wants to use it, freely and free of charge. You can download it from the web Starting this May 15.

San Isidro 2019 poster

San Isidro 2019 poster

As Manuela Carmena says in the prologue to this year's festival program: "During the walk through that Madrid at parties I don't know if we will find many cats, so called because their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were born in Madrid. No matter. In this city nobody is ever asked where they come from. The plural is our wealth. We are all Madrid, we all do the Madriles . For this reason, each year we face with renewed enthusiasm the challenge of preparing a program in which each and every one finds a place, an activity that they feel their own, a reason to go out and enjoy San Isidro". Bravo, Manuela.

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