This US map is made from songs!


US map made from songs

A journey sung by the USA

Stand in front of a map of the United States: where would you place the Billie Holiday classic Autumn in New York ? Y Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd? Okay, maybe those are easy, but... what about space oddity , Bowie, or under the bridge , from Red Hot Chilli Peppers?

That's what the design studio guys wondered We Are Dorothy . The answer, after nine months! of research, they have captured it in a United States map made up of some of the most mythical of the world. If that's not a good Christmas gift for a traveler music lover, we no longer know what it is.

US map made from songs

California, inspiration of great songs

The reason for so much study comes from the perfectionism of the company, which has already developed the world song map . "As we are not native to the US (we are based in Liverpool, UK), we decided to take extra precautions in the early phase of map creation, asking some of our US customers and Canada to verify the geographic accuracy of the location of the songs, and to check if our perception of content it made sense", they tell us from We Are Dorothy.

Obviously, many things had to be taken into account in order to position more than 1,000 themes at an exact point. "There are specific reasons for the placement of each song on the map," says Ali Johnson, director of the study. "Some can not be so obvious s at the beginning, and they need to be thought about. In fact, many of our favorite song choices are the ones that develop a connection 'creative ' with a place, like Space Oddity (by David Bowie), which points Cape Canaveral ; After the Gold Rush (by Neil Young), which references Sutter's Mill (where the Golden fever referred to in the song), or Homecoming (by Kanye West), which is located near the rapper's hometown , In Chicago".

US map made from songs

"New York, New York..."

And what about another of the songs that we were referring to at the beginning, the anthem under the bridge , which points to an indefinite point in LA? "Its location refers to the unidentified bridge of Los Angeles in which Anthony Kiedis, who wrote the song, was based on creating it", confesses Johnson. And so far we can read: the rest of the musical associations will have to be made by you. Maybe listening to the spotify list that brings them all together inspire you!

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