The best receptionist in the world is, for the first time, Spanish


Sofia Barroso the best receptionist in the world

Sofia Barroso, the best receptionist in the world

“Spain has participated in this contest for 21 years and has never won. I was a bit like in Eurovision. Surely some countries vote for others and we will not win ”, explains Sofia still a little surprised. On the other hand, Víctor Colmeno, her boss at the hotel reception, did see it coming. “ This year maybe I had more hopes because Sofía is a different profile from the one we have presented in other years. She is more caring, kinder.”

This Segovian from Gallegos surpassed the other 15 receptionists with whom she competed for the award "For her professionalism and charisma in solving the situations she had to face in the contest" , explains Sylvia Harrault, responsible for the David Campbell Trophy awarded by the Amicale Internationale des Chefs de Réception et Sous Directeurs des Grands Hôtels (AICR) . This award is added to that of best receptionist in Spain that Sofia had already achieved in November.


When she is asked, Sofía makes a generic description, as if she were talking about a prototype and not about the characteristics that have led her to win the title. “You have to be empathic , knowing how to put yourself in the place of the guest to know what they want and if they have a bad day, understand why, to see what you can do for them. This is achieved by connecting with them. Have charisma, be decisive and know how to keep a cool head , to be aware at all times of what you can and cannot do”, reflects Sofía.

Her partner Thiago de Oliveira, who has been working with her for almost three years, goes beyond her when describing her. “She is a professional like the top of a pine tree. When she has been working longer, I want to be like Sofía: she is responsible and does things carefully. When it comes to the client, she is charming and very resolute”. To which her boss, Víctor de ella, highlights the balance that she achieves between being technical and meticulous, while being friendly and kind to the client.


Sofia is passionate about her work. "It is fun. Every day is different and different guests come. Sometimes of the things that happen to us, I come back laughing alone on the bus ”. She refers to stories like that of the 75-year-old woman who, in order to celebrate her birthday, in addition to the cake that her hotel had sent her, asked for a bottle of vodka to drink alone in her room. “I have met many people and their stories. You end up learning about all the cultures of the world. Is very pretty".

Reception of the Villa Magna hotel in Madrid

Reception of the Villa Magna hotel in Madrid

She likes dealing with people and she is well aware of the importance of knowing the guests in a good hotel reception. Therefore, she has doubts about how the advancement of technology can affect her profession. “I see it well for the business client who always uses the same room. But At the reception we treat people so that they feel as if they were at home. If we replace it with machines it would be ugly. At check-in you talk to them, ask them about the trip, accompany them to the room, solve any doubts they may have. All this a machine cannot do.

Next year, Sofia will be a jury for the same contest that she just won. Meanwhile, she will attend in Paris the master's degree in hospitality valued at 3,000 euros that includes the prize . Later? “I would like to be head of reception, but step by step. I am young and I have a lot to learn. . Far away is the year 2009 when, after finishing her degree in Tourism, she decided to go to London to improve her English and began working as a waitress in the Cumberland Hotel , glancing at the reception of that establishment and thinking how much he would like to work in it. One fact: she ended up being her supervisor.

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