If not in summer, when


We no longer know how to describe this summer. The post-pandemic one. The one of optimism. That of a new era. The one at the end of another that suddenly vanished. Since that fateful March 2020 we have spent months inventing formulas to get out of the quagmire stronger, to, like James Bond, emerge from the flames like brushes, the always imperturbable Windsor knot.

Let's do one thing: don't say anything. Nothing but "summer". And that's what this special you have in your hands is about, summer days that are like those of before, like those of tomorrow, like those of now. A few days ago I was at a concert Robert Iniesta, that street poet capable of hanging the "no tickets" in a matter of seconds. I was never a big fan of his, never as much as when I discovered in him what his unconditional fans should already know by heart: that he releases phrases like flying daggers and that one, a journalist even with the mini beer in hand, was trying to write down in the notebook of the mobile at full speed.

One of those daggers is the one that has given me a reel to write these lines (thank you, Robe), because few truths are as accurate as this one, inspired by the phrase of the Jewish teacher Hillel the Wise, he blurted out to the respectable in full fervour: “If not here, where; If not now when; if not you, who? Good mantra for a summer from which we should not expect more than that, summer, here and now and in which, we do ask you from Condé Nast Traveler, it is our duty to be more aware, more sustainable (a hackneyed word but hey, it's time to tattoo it on your brain), best Travelers, anyway.

Cover No. 152 Cond Nast Traveler

Days of summer: the new issue of Condé Nast Traveler is here!

The recent devastating fire in the Mountain range of the Culebra, in my beloved province of Zamora, from which some other gene dances with me, has been one of the most enormous consequences of the ardor of the Earth, but also of the lack of resources and difficult reaction capacity in a empty spain that only we, the travelers, fill from time to time. So let's keep betting on those trips to our peoples, to our roots, and also to other places in the world that suffer the same depopulation; the same challenge of filling empty spaces thanks to the impulse of the conscious trip and generator of resources.

In these pages you will find new hotels by the sea in which luxury, what a difficult word to define today, goes through integration with the environment, offsetting the carbon footprint and the effort to connect the client with the local culture.

Also classics of our summers, of all summers, such as Ibiza, Santander, Holbox, Tenerife, Majorca, Sicily Y Biarritz. They are our inspiration and hopefully yours too so as not to put adjectives on summer. Just let yourself go, squeeze the days, learn, learn and play, above all play, like the children who have made you smile when you see our cover. If not in summer, when?

This report was published in the number 152 of the Condé Nast Traveler Magazine Spain. Subscribe to the printed edition (€18.00, annual subscription, by calling 902 53 55 57 or from our website). The April issue of Condé Nast Traveler is available in its digital version to enjoy on your preferred device

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