Tell me what Chinese sign you are and I'll tell you what your perfect trip is for 2019


Woman in Bali

Welcome to the year of the pig!

On February 5 began the Year of the Yin Earth Pig , which will end on January 24, 2020. That means, according to the convoluted chinese astrology , which this year will have the characteristics of this zodiac animal, and will be cheerful, carefree, conciliatory and fun. Also, it is considered good fortune. have children during this period, for they are supposed to be happy and honorable.

But why do we say that this astrological system is "convoluted"? Because, unlike ** Western astrology **, which classifies people into different horoscopes according to the day and month in which they were born, Chinese astrology also takes into account the year and the hour childbirth, so that, even if you saw the birth on the same day as your grandfather, you probably belong to different signs.

Also, this theory combines the twelve Chinese animals with the five elements -wood, fire, earth, metal and water- and these, in turn, with the binary cycle of yin and the yang . In this way, each element reigns for two years, one under the sign of yang -the feminine, in even years- and another under the sign of yin -the masculine, in odd years-.

girl on the beach

Where will your Chinese sign take you?

According to the Chinese calendar, time is made up of 60 year periods which are divided, in turn, into cycles of 12. Each of them represents an animal and the yin and yang, as well as their five possible elements, modify them. The result?

Up to 60 possible combinations, to which should be added the internal animal -which depends on the month of birth- and the secret -which depends on the time of day at which it was born-. Thus, each individual has three animals , which, together with the five elements already mentioned, create a total of 8,640 possible combinations. Exhausting, right?

To save you the math, however, there are online calculators that carry out all these operations for you and return your chinese zodiac sign . ** Enter your data in this table, find out what sign you are ** and get ready to know what travel would be ideal for you this year!


Those born under the sign of the rat are born leaders: Analytical and charismatic, they know how to display their charms to guide the rest. In addition, they have a great capacity to overcome difficulties that are presented to them thanks to their reasoning and self-control. However, they are truly passionate when it comes to their closest circle: their family and friends, who are always few but well chosen. Your ideal destination is…


Chinese horoscope buffaloes are people patient, hardworking and intelligent whose highest aspiration is to be in peace with the environment they inhabit. In fact, stressful environments and risk-taking destabilize them, so they will only flourish if they find the harmony In their lifes. Their humanitarian vocation and their great capacity for commitment make them highly appreciated by all. **Your ideal destination is…**

boy resting in a boat

Buffalo like to be in peace


A tiger needs adventure as much as breathing, because his vital motor is fueled by Challenges always new. Events unexpected In addition, they do not achanan him, but quite the opposite; they make him grow and demonstrate, once again, his intense love for life. The tiger is impetuous, rebellious, brave and competitive, and as much as he loves, he will always maintain his plot of independence. **Your ideal destination is…**


Those born under this sign are in love with nature. sweet life : they love beautiful things and refined and enjoy the parties, and, in fact, they give the best. They are the plus sign hospitable of this zodiac, and their homes are true temples. His intuitive, imaginative and creative personality has a lot to do with all of this. sensitive ; furthermore, hares possess an innate grace and find immense pleasure in culture . **Your ideal destination is…**

girls with confetti

Those of the hare give the best parties


Dragons - vital, charming, bright and magnetic - are deeply interested in world that surrounds them, for which they always have big projects -many of them, impossible-. In addition, they feel a strong attraction for the strange, for the exotic, and they are passionate about Arts and the good life. All this, together with his powerful imagination, configures a personality of the most original and independent. Your ideal destination is…


Those born under the sign of the snake like silence and solitude, but that does not mean that they are austere. Quite the contrary: they are great lovers of pleasures of life, which in his case also includes completely immersing himself in a book or a musical piece . In addition, they hate superficiality and closed-minded people: for them, the only meetings that are worthwhile are those in which the interlocutors are interesting , and even better if they are elegant too. **Your ideal destination is…**


The horse is the sign nomadic par excellence of the Chinese horoscope, since it needs the movement to exist. Therefore, they are not afraid of situations unforeseen but they motivate them. In fact, you could say they are free spirits, and love open spaces and freedom that they fire However, they also succeed in environments social , where they are usually the center of absolute attention thanks to their friendliness, their charisma, their intelligence and his enthusiasm. Your ideal destination is…

girl skating

Those of the horse sign love open spaces


This sign is one of the most artistic of the Chinese horoscope. In fact, it looks like the typical stamp of the creator: messy, sensitive, dreamer and constantly running away from the rules. Of course, he is also a great lover of beauty. On the other hand, the goat loves the tranquility , prefers to avoid changes and is happy in nature and in the company of her family. Your ideal destination is…


A lots of actors , researchers, creatives and inventors belong to the sign of the monkey, which should give us an idea of ​​their condition. possessor of multitalented, with an agile mind and a creative and curious nature, those born under this sign they adapt with ease and efficiency to any environment, which is one of the reasons why they are successful in practically everything they set out to do. Plus they love have fun and play ; They would say that they know how to take advantage of life. **Your ideal destination is…**


The rooster, proud and vain, also has an outstanding ability to observation , and pays great attention to detail. In addition, it is clearly the sign that likes to give itself the most luxurious whims , which is good news for her lovers, whom she will want to flatter with her large doses of romanticism and most opulent experiences. Your ideal destination is…

friends on top of a van

monkeys love to play


Dogs have all the qualities we look for in a dude : They are altruistic, empathic, trustworthy, honest and loyal. Of course, they suffer sudden attacks of melancholia ; to recover from them, they wish to isolate themselves in nature, sometimes accompanied by their family, with whom they are very protectors . In fact, the dog sign is a very sentimental who needs to feel loved, cared for and protected, and prefers as usual to the new Your ideal destination is…


This sign is considered the most g sympathetic, understanding and honest of all the Chinese horoscope. In fact, he loves to invest in experiences to entertain your family and friends - especially, in the middle of nature -, as well as conquering them with his sense of humor and his inexhaustible capacity to enjoy the good things in life. So much so that those born under this sign find it very difficult to resist the temptations earthly things, especially, to a good meal. Your ideal destination is…

*** Access here the complete gallery of the Chinese horoscope and its corresponding destiny.**

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