Around, more than a club, a new and technological community


Main room of the private club Around in Madrid

Main room of the private club Around, in Madrid

Inspired by traditional English clubs, in which people met to share moments, experiences and conversations with people of the same social class, Around Madrid Castilian . A new lounge concept in which, on the contrary, the member's purchasing power will not be a determining factor.

"The selection is made based on their values, their vision of the world, their desire to grow and their enthusiasm for belonging to a protesting community that needs to see rewarded for all the efforts they make every day to make the dreams they were promised when they were little come true", explains Ludovico Dupré, CEO and co-founder of Black Bee Hospitality, a Mallorcan start up dedicated to consulting, design and management of boutique brands related to the world of hospitality.

From the Around application you can book a meeting room to pay without physical money.

From the Around application you can book a meeting room to pay without physical money.

And it is not just a 'mouthpiece' statement created ex-process with the intention of capturing as many as possible, because in reality it is quite the opposite, so we should adapt the popular saying so that it reads something like : "the better, the more... easier it will be for you to be accepted".

For this reason they have decided to apply an affordable monthly fee of €48, plus another €178 registration fee.

But beware, that does not mean that anyone can become a member.


"The important thing here is the people," reaffirms Dupré, who tells us how Around intends to be much more than a sophisticated and modern physical space of 500 m2 on Paseo de la Castellana, since the true intention of this lounge is build a community of people who have a lot in common and I really want to share it.

"If you bring together people with values, with a global mentality, with similar hobbies, who are eager to continue growing and share enriching experiences, the result is a community that flows in the right direction. And that is what we want to do: bring together similar people and pamper them as they deserve, making them feel that they are special and that our lounge is their second home ", continues with the explanation Ludovico Dupré.

But not just any community, but one with international will, as its co-founder reminds us: "The intention is to grow and become a global community, in such a way that, for example, the members of Around Madrid Castellana can use the facilities of the clubs that we are opening in the center of other large cities of Spain and the whole world".

The future Around Berlin will occupy the Art Dco LenzHaus building built by the architect Heinrich Straumer.

The future Around Berlin will occupy the Art Déco Lenz-Haus, built by the architect Heinrich Straumer.

An idea that is already beginning to take shape, if we take into account that Around has just announced the next opening of one of its lounges in Berlin, specifically on the ground floor of the Lenz-Haus, an Art Déco building built at the beginning of the last century by the architect Henry Straumer in the western part of the city.


Another fundamental aspect of this private club is to make use of new technologies to meet its objectives: there will be high-speed Wi-Fi for all members and a modern application with which to pay without physical money for daily consumption in the lounge and where to book from a meeting room to a simple deckchair (depending on the type of membership chosen) . It will also keep your membership partners in constant contact.

On the other hand, the club will invigorate its atmosphere with an agenda of presentations, talks and meetings that will not interfere with the day-to-day activities of the members. It will also be very useful in exactly the opposite case: when a member must attend an event in the capital.

One of the Around club bathrooms perfect for getting ready before an event without having to go home.

One of the Around club bathrooms, perfect for getting ready before an event without having to go home.

Dupré remembers how during the years that he has worked in the big cities he has met many colleagues who joined the gym just to use their showers if they had to get ready after work and didn't have time to go home.

Therefore, the privileged location of Around in Madrid will make it easier for the lounge becomes "an oasis in which to rest and regain strength in those moments of transition between work life and personal life".


Around will treat its members to a cup of illycaffé every day (which can be tasted in the morning or when they visit the club) and the buffet breakfast will be made up of healthy products, rich pastries and pastries and even hot chocolate with churros (which, if you're in a hurry, shouldn't be necessarily consumed right there).

Around Madrid Castellana will not have a restaurant as such, but it will offer a gastronomic service throughout the day "based on simple but tasty dishes, and in exclusive specialties that we are still finalizing. They will be small culinary treasures ideal to taste in good company", comments Ludovico Dupré.

And best of all, each member will have the opportunity to invite a friend for free or (or client) every day, to share with him the experience of enjoying the club's facilities.

So now you know, if you want to belong to this new community that is already taking shape as you read these lines, don't hesitate to apply as a member, since Around is about to open its doors and they want talented and interesting people like you to be interested in membership. Also, if you do it right now and you are admitted, you will be able to enjoy the lounge for free for a month – saving you the basic fee and without commitment to stay – and you will not have to pay the registration fee.

The Around kitchen that serves simple dishes to taste in good company.

The kitchen, by Around, which will serve simple dishes to taste in good company.

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