Celebrating Cervantes


Celebrating Cervantes guide for an April 23 with its own name

Cervantes in Toledo


The one that everyone talks about and that any lover of letters should visit. _Miguel de Cervantes: from life to myth (1606-2016) _ is open to the public until May 22 on the National Library , where the most complete set of works related to the writer has been gathered. In addition to the Cervantine collection of the Library, there have been funds from other institutions such as the Prado Museum , the City Hall of Alcalá de Henares or the british museum . Articulated in three parts, the exhibition will cover aspects of the family, military and literary life of Cervantes , reviewing his work, episodes of his life such as captivity in Algiers, his relationship with the writers of his time... Of course, Don Quixote occupies a prominent place. _(Paseo de Recoletos, 8-10 PM. Hours: Monday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Free admission) _.

Celebrating Cervantes guide for an April 23 with its own name

Miguel de Cervantes: from life to myth (1606-2016)


To the Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians , where from April 22 and until December 31 , the Madrid City Council will organize guided visits to the tomb of Miguel de Cervantes . A half-hour tour will allow those interested to know the place where they rest the remains of the writer . is the Church of San Ildefonso , in the same convent _(Calle Lope de Vega, 18) _ which houses a monument with the remains that were found in the crypt. The visits, for a maximum of 25 people, will take place on Friday at 5:00 p.m. and the Saturdays at 12:00 , except in the month of July.


Whether or not it's the centenary of anything, the Don Quixote Continued Reading It is already a classic that this 2016 fulfills 20 years . will start on Friday, April 22 at 6:00 p.m. and will last for almost 48 hours until 2:00 p.m. on April 24 at the Círculo de Bellas Artes. Personalities from the world of culture and politics will alternate with ordinary people with connections from all over the globe ( Brazil , the United States , Romania , Colombia , China , Morocco ...) to give voice to the most important work of the Spanish literature: Don Quijote of La Mancha.

Lovers of letters will also be able to unleash their creativity, participating in the Cervantes Giant Poem , that is, in the writing of poems about Cervantes in a continuous paper of 150 meters . It will be the day April 22 on the outside of the Mario Vargas Llosa Public Library _(Barceló Street) _ and the day 23 in the of Eugenio Trias _(House of Beasts of El Retiro) _, in Madrid. Those who come there will complete the work previously carried out in four other libraries.


The one that saw him born. In Alcala de Henares . In addition to visiting the rooms that corresponded to the public life of the family, their bedrooms on the upper floor and the temporary exhibition halls, those who come to the Cervantes Birthplace Museum they will find a garden invaded by some 3,000 illuminated books. Before becoming suspended on vertical structures like authentic curtains to wander through, its pages have been intervened by the residents and visitors of this town in Madrid with topics related to the life and work of the writer . Lose yourself among these windblown pages, take a look at them, go from one to another, and then begin your journey to the origin.

Celebrating Cervantes guide for an April 23 with its own name

Living in the Golden Age should be like this


El Toboso . Place of residence of the beloved of Don Quixote par excellence. In the municipality of Toledo you can visit the Dulcinea House-Museum , in which life is recreated in a house of rich gentlemen from the time of Miguel de Cervantes. When going through its mill, the cellar, the patios and the rooms, you are going through a restored 16th century house . There one can imagine Mrs. Ana Martinez Zarco de Morales , who inhabited the house and she inspired the character of Dulcinea del Toboso. (Calle Quijote, 1. El Toboso (Toledo). Hours: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Price: 3 euros).


In the upper part of the Ruidera Lagoons , is found the Cave of Montesinos , which Don Quixote entered by hanging down from a rope to meet fantastic characters. You won't need a rope or even to dream, because once inside you will discover an incredible landscape of stalactites and stalagmites , you will travel through the history of prehistoric peoples and, of course, you will relive the episode of the novel that has brought us here. (Carretera C-30, Ossa de Montiel. Hours: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. Price: 6 euros).

Celebrating Cervantes guide for an April 23 with its own name

That's where Don Quixote descended


We approach the classic of the classics from the theater and from a different perspective, the women's that appear in the novel. Quixote. Feminine. Plural. It can be seen until May 1 at the ** Spanish Theater in Madrid **. On stage, Sanchica, the daughter of the most famous of the squires, Sancho, will follow the adventures and misadventures of the protagonists, resolving, without their noticing, the wrongs that dot her journey. At the same time, she will wonder about love and the most successful attitude towards men and life. Along the way, she will receive advice from other female characters that appear in the play, such as Luscinda, Marcela, Maritornes, Quiteria and, of course, Dulcinea. (Spanish Theatre. Until May 1. From Tuesday to Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Price: €18).

Celebrating Cervantes guide for an April 23 with its own name

Quixote pill. Feminine. Plural.


The one with the letters , where Miguel de Cervantes resided and died . It was on Lope de Vega street, on the corner of León. In his honor, the neighborhood will be filled with life and activities for the little ones who, through a illustrated gymkhana they will discover the secrets of the streets they tread (Calle Huertas, 2. Hours: 11:30 a.m.) and thanks to a series of popular games, such as the blind man's chicken, the trunk or hopscotch They will learn how the little ones had fun centuries ago. Adults will also have their space with theatrical performances and animation in the bars yes Now, the high point will come at 8:30 p.m. , when The Prince's Corral (Spanish Theatre) the funeral procession leaves for the Convento de las Trinitarias to staging the farewell to Miguel de Cervantes.

Celebrating Cervantes guide for an April 23 with its own name

Lope de Vega Street, place of residence of Cervantes


It may not be possible to travel to the Spanish Golden Age and experience Cervantes' universe first-hand. However, what we can do is surround ourselves with it, immerse ourselves in its atmosphere and dreaming of stories of knights errant, maidens, young people with accentuated picaresque or dogs endowed with the gift of speech. Bedtime stories...

** Hotel The Colloquium of the Dogs, Valladolid **

Miguel de Cervantes lived in the city ​​of Pisuerga in 1605 . It was a year and a few months. Enough to write the story of Cipión and Berganza , two dogs from the Resurrection Hospital, in Valladolid . We talk about The Colloquium of the dogs , one of the Exemplary Novels of the writer who has given his name to the four-star boutique hotel that concerns us.

In it, you wake up with views of the cathedral and between the walls of a 19th century bourgeois building restored, in which the wooden beams and exposed brick contrast, for good, with modern and sober furniture. The decoration is in charge of paintings inspired by episodes of the novel that gives it its name. _(Two nights in a double room from 180 euros per room on Expedia) _.

Celebrating Cervantes guide for an April 23 with its own name

Who will be the one in the painting: Cipión or Berganza?


I Edition of CervanVino

** We tasted La Mancha **, land of the fortunes and misadventures of the great hidalgo born from the pen of Miguel de Cervantes, in the First Edition of CervanWine . It will be two days April 22 and 23 , in which they can be tasted in Madrid's Círculo de Bellas Artes the wines of 24 wineries of the Denomination of Origin of La Mancha . Between 11:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Friday and 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, attendees will be able to given away for free with Manchego broths and pair them with different local products, see the Manchego cheese, Almagro aubergines or Serrano ham.

A menu to honor Cervantes in León

The restaurant delusions makes us travel between the past and the present with a menu inspired by the Golden Age, but revised by chef Javier Rodríguez. A) Yes, between April 22 and 24 , we can try Duels and Losses (fried eggs with black pudding and torreznos), the cooked our way (a soup with crispy fried noodles and a salty french toast that simulates the ball, accompanied by some chickpeas also fried) ; the kid at low temperature or one Manchego cheese board , among other things. (37 euros per person).

Celebrating Cervantes guide for an April 23 with its own name

If Don Quixote were to revive... he would lay waste to everything

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