Óscar Jaenada or pirate life around the world


Óscar Jaenada or pirate life around the world

Óscar Jaenada or pirate life around the world

The Oscar Janeda, who devours some anchovies in front of me at one of the tables in Taberna La Mina _(General Álvarez de Castro, 8; Madrid) _, 24 hours ago he was someone else. He was Gorriamendi , a Spaniard in virgin lands in search of gold in a time of conquests and desires, a man in the middle of the Amazon jungle facing the unknown and himself. Oscar Janeada he is currently filming ** Oro, ** in the company of Bárbara Lennie, Juan Echanove and Rául Arévalo and under the direction of Agustín Díaz Yanes. We talk with him about the spaces of his life, about the places that he has had to know due to his eternal idyll with fiction and that have disrupted him in reality. Today Óscar is not Gorriamendi or Mario Moreno or Camarón. Today Oscar is Oscar.

you come from Tenerife where are you shooting Prayed What has surprised you about the island?

What I liked the most was the climb to Mount Teide, and only because of the arrival by car along the ** Ruta de la Esperanza **. Being at that height and seeing that sky... I'm not one to climb mountains and I don't usually have those views in my mind: being there, on that snowy mountain and seeing the blanket of clouds as if it were the sea impressed me a lot.

Will we see the Teide in Prayed ?

We will not see Teide; we have to think that 'we are in the Amazon jungle'... so yes we will recognize the Anaga Rural Park : very cold, a lot of rain, a lot of mud... nothing to do with what people think the Canary Islands are.

Costa Rica, Mexico, New Zealand... the shoots have made you travel all over the world, what landscape has impacted you the most?

The island of kauai . It is such an inhospitable landscape... It is seeing with your own eyes King Kong, Jurassic Park ... Those mountains are the same ones from the movies. I would also stay with Lord Howe Island between Australia and New Zealand. It is a totally lost island. The arrival is already quite an experience, on a plane that only goes to each two islands. I'm from the islands... I would also say Minorca, Palomino or Vieques In Puerto Rico...

Lord Howe Island

Lord Howe Island

A perfect day on that day where it's you and you forget about your characters?

tokyo . I was not more than a week but it is enough to know that the perfect day would be spent there. I would also say San Sebastian, Brisbane or San Francisco. But... I would stay with Lord Howe Island. I stay with the island . It has a road and about seven cars, a policeman with a single cell (who after two days of being there already becomes your friend), there is no Internet, there are a few streetlights and at night you have to walk with your mobile to flashlight mode to get to your cabin... The best plan would be to have a barbecue looking at the shape of the earth and colors and skies so clean that you can even see the constellations ... There is so little light pollution, it's such a crazy thing! In addition, it is a perfect island for surfing or kayaking. There is an area where only locals go and where the waves are wonderful. To get there you have to go by boat and... you have to dare with those waves (I didn't dare). there I rolled The Shallows , with Blake Lively.

Perfection is also found in an afternoon in Donosti , of pintxos and potes, taking a walk along the Paseo Nuevo and simply watching the waves break... And of course, we would eat like at home at Néstor _(Pescadería 11) _, where they always treat you very nicely. Of course, here there is only steak and tomato with onion and, at 8:30 p.m., omelette : it is not possible to reserve and only two are made. The moment it's over, IT'S OVER. Either you're there at that time or you don't eat.

And a romantic day?

We would go to San Francisco. It is a very beautiful city, very strange, very open, a very politically open city . There is a wonderful Chinese man, great, perfect for a date (although I don't remember the name...), not because he is exclusive but because he is very strange: it looked like a dining room in Poble Nou . The presentation and decoration was in the food, It was quite a show with flares! It would be a perfect romantic plan and always fun.

You have been in Los Angeles for nine years, where would you invite us to get to know the city?

Mulholland Drive . For an Angeleno, driving around town is be in Los Angeles: I'm a walker, a subway rider, a biker... in LA I get the car and I really enjoy it. climb by Laurel Canyon and make me all Mulholland It seems to me a very special way of knowing Hollywood . Then I would recommend the Download, a speakeasy. Also the Rainbow, on Sunset Boulevard. And, without a doubt, spending a couple of nights at the Chateau Marmont... that's where the cream of the crop is concentrated, not of the actors, but of the pieces from Hollywood. I spent a whole month in the suite 44 and I had a good time... it's a very good place. Of course, the real roll of Los Angeles is in venice beach : It's the typical picture of four well-done graffiti, a lot of industrial markets, a lot of juice, a lot of little bits... it's total Yankee.

Where do you feel at home when you're homesick in Los Angeles?

Where to feel at home... one has it very difficult there . I am lucky to have Javier, Penelope, Jordi, Pau... who made me feel at home. But Los Angeles is not a city that closely welcomes . By history, the Spanish did not come here easily. Now it's out of necessity . When you get homesick... you have to fuck yourself, you have no other choice. You don't think so. Now it's easier to bear it with Skype, Facetime... but still...

Château Marmont

What happens at the Chateau Marmont...

What music makes you travel?

The Masterstroke of Ancient Morla , foreigner from Bunbury , Porcelain Moby , the OST of Kill Bill, Y Snowball , a little bit of feeling the trun trun of the train.

And what can you tell us about your bedside books?

I would say that the libretto November . I don't read books, I don't have the chance, I only read scripts.



And, obviously, we have to ask you about cinema, what films have revealed other worlds to you?

apocalypse now It's quite a journey 2001: A Space Odyssey , Moon (from Duncan Jones) and City of God that takes you to Brazil and you end up dancing the samba,... its soundtrack is also one of the essentials.

You cross the Atlantic continuously by plane... what means of transport do you prefer?

We get used to everything: one gets used to getting on the plane for twelve hours and when I go to San Sebastian from Madrid I say... but if it is here next door! Within the bad... that's the good, that the world gets smaller . One of the most beautiful things I've done traveling has been sleeping on the train , linking Barcelona and Madrid (I have linked them in a thousand different ways) in a sleeping car for myself. I am in love with the train.

Any mania or custom when you travel, something that brings you closer to home?

I've got some slippers that I usually take everywhere I go. When I'm shooting, they become a symbol: at the end of the character, I put on my sneakers and it's like saying: IT'S OVER! I wear the character's shoes all day until the movie is over and that's when I pick up my sneakers and my mind clicks: somehow it brings me closer to mine.

Oscar Jaenada in Pirates of the Caribbean

Oscar Jaenada in Pirates of the Caribbean

Of all the places you have stepped on, which sunset do you stay with?

It is impressive to experience it from the ** Torre de Ibiza **... and, without a doubt, we should go back to kauai , there the sunset is incredible.

Do you take away memories of the places you visit?

I bring my mother sand in a small jar from everywhere I go. I have been to the five continents and now she she has sand from everywhere . I also like the fun details, like a little tray of koalas, a spoon with the face of the Queen of England, saris to make a dress... I'm very into the market, very into souvenirs . I buy a lot of silly things that last two days but are funny.

Your favorite markets?

I prefer Khan el Khalili in Egypt and with The Citadel in Mexico.

What places await you? What are your next trips on the agenda?

We premiere Cantinflas in Spain on April 15, finally! Now I am going to Cádiz and Seville, continuing with Prayed and later I will go to Los Angeles and Puerto Rico starting with the promotion of hands of stone that will take me everywhere. My holidays... they will be at home, on my sofa and naked . Everybody wants what they don't have... and what I need is to be in my little house with my fireplace and my TV.

For a person like you, who does not stop, where is home?

I'm from where my son lives. I have apartments here and there rented... but i'm from where my son lives.

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Oscar Jaenada

Oscar Jaenada

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