Times Square, billionaire district


Times Square from the air the most peaceful place to see it

Times Square from the air, the most peaceful place to see it

$110 billion . With this chilling fact we try to answer the 'but how?' with a photo tour of the ins and outs of this money-making machine. The big question is, how can a space, which It does not represent more than 0.1% of the entire city of New York, can you generate this dizzying number of dollars equaling the benefit of all of Portland?

Our automatic and obvious response: tourism. Annually, according to data from the HR&A Advisors report on Times Square published in ** The New York Times,** taking into account spending on hotels, entertainment and small sales, approximately $4.8 trillion (Broadway tickets alone are 1 billion).

Tourists the great factor but not the only one of the success of Times Square

Tourists: the great factor but not the only one in the success of Times Square

But tourism, is it enough? times square , in addition to theaters, cinemas, lights, neon lights, yellow taxis, the odd celebrity hidden behind sunglasses... business . And it is not trivial that the thousands of New Yorkers who work every day in the streets of the financial district of Times Square buy a coffee, some snacks, a muffin... and continue on their way to the office. Result? more cash.

The report counts about 170,000 workers in the district. It is estimated that with the money these workers spend here, support another 215,000 jobs in the city . There is nothing.

Work in Times Square or the neon craze

Work in Times Square or the neon craze

But no matter how much data we give, no matter how many causes we can contribute to this authentic economic phenomenon, the reality is that the magic of Times Square arises from a myriad of factors that come together in a great and unrepeatable amalgam . And it is only in this square that the ** NASDAQ ** merges with the M&Ms and the gentlemen in suits and leather briefcases with the ** Naked Cowboy **. And this gentlemen, yes they are eyes like $

Times Square has all kinds of attractions

Times Square has all kinds of attractions, such as the famous Naked Cowboy

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