The American Challenge: From California Sun to Snow in Six States and One Day


From the Californian sun to the snow in six states and one day

From the Californian sun to the snow in six states and one day

The phenomenon road trip is well known in the United States, a vast country where you can find different seasons of the year, depending on the state you are in . That is why we have set ourselves a challenge of 1,500km From the Californian sun to the small town of jackson hole , covered by snow at this time of year. For this we only have one day, since the mission of this trip is to enjoy the landscapes on the road and make only the obligatory stops. Touring six states on the east coast would be a simple task , but the same is not true on the West Coast, where the states are much larger.

Alien Fresh Jerky

Alien Fresh Jerky


We leave from the city of stars, Los Angeles, and it is important to do it at dawn, before the cars collapse the highways . On a trip of this type, leaving the city between five or six in the morning is paramount. From half past six is ​​when the traffic begins to get complicated. An hour later it will be rush hour and you don't want to find yourself in the middle of a “Carmageddon”.

We are heading into the snow so it is important to have a car in good condition and have chains at hand, to avoid skidding on icy roads.

Our first objective is to find the I-15 Freeway, where we will spend most of the journey. In fact, on I-15 we'll stay about 1,200 kilometers out of a total of 1,500. This road will take us directly to Las Vegas, passing through the impressive Mojave desert, where you can take some great photos.

But before reaching the city of casinos, we have a curious stop. Alien Fresh Jerky, in the city of Baker, is one of those places freak that you cannot miss. It is a store alien theme and in which you will find various beings and objects from other planets, in addition to the famous cecina . We recommend trying the turkey jerky with honey and chipotle sauce, a little spicy, but delicious for the palate.

Alien Fresh Jerky

Alien Fresh Jerky


The first city we pass after our stop in Baker is Las Vegas . If you have never been to the city of casinos and splurge, then this is a must stop. If you want to continue with your roadtrip, here you have two options: continue on I-15 and leave Las Vegas on your right or go to the main street, the Strip, to see all the casinos from the car . Of course, the trip will be considerably longer if you opt for the second option. It normally takes about four to five hours to get to Las Vegas from Los Angeles.

The last city we will see in Nevada is mesquite, where you will find several gas stations to refuel. Attention, because the next state will pass quickly before your eyes, but the experience will be unforgettable.




The Arizona state sign welcomes us, but our journey through this territory will be brief. Of course, it will give us the best views from the mountains of the Virgin River Gorge. A winding road that crosses directly between the mountains. A Martian landscape that will only pass for 16 km.

Virgin River Gorge

Virgin River Gorge

Four. UTAH

The city of st george receives us. We enter the "red" state, which will soon be tinted by snow. The first views will be magnificent, with great red mountains, but unfortunately it seems that these lands are not protected by the government. You will see how houses and factories have been built on top of the mountains and how they affect the landscape. A real pity.

This state will be the most intense of the entire trip, since about 7-8 hours by car await us. It is the largest of all with repetitive landscapes, but it is difficult to tire of them. There will be some areas where it is better not to have external odors entering the vehicle. In Salt Lake City and surroundings there are dozens of factories and wastewater plants that will put our sense of smell to the test. Be careful on the road, as drivers are not afraid to enter lanes without using their turn signals.

Utah is home to several resorts for skiing and snowboarding. Therefore, it can be another interesting stop to practice your favorite sport.

st george

Houses in St George


One of the most beautiful states on our tour. The sun has already set and it is easy to distinguish the silhouette of the gigantic snow-capped mountains in the middle of the night. The temperature begins to drop drastically and the windshield of the car freezes. If you haven't put the chains it's time to do it.

An obligatory stop in this state are the idaho falls , located in the city of the same name, Idaho Falls . Do not expect gigantic falls. On the contrary, they are tiny, but magical in the middle of winter, when they are frozen. They are located in the center of the city, so they can be easily seen at night.

We're going through Idaho in a couple of hours. An easy road, considering that the speed limit in this state is 80 miles per hour (about 130 km per hour).

Idaho Falls

Idaho Falls


At this time it is important to check road conditions in **Wyoming through the Wyoming Traveler app** as there are two possible routes. The fastest, Teton Pass will take us through the mountains of jackson hole , but if there is snow and ice, a sign will recommend us to return the way we came. The terrain is not easy, because sometimes not only the snow, ice and rocks on the road endanger drivers, but also the deer that roam freely in the middle of the night can give us the occasional scare , so it is advisable to go slowly. The other option will take us along a safer road, but a little longer. As weather conditions were stable, we decide to go through the mountains and three deer cross our path, but they quickly flee upon seeing the vehicle's lights.

A Jackson Hole moose

A Jackson Hole moose

In the mountains we reach an altitude of 2.4 km , so it is important to keep the body hydrated to avoid "mountain sickness". If our body is not adapted to the lack of oxygen, we could experience headaches and dizziness. We keep going until in the middle of the mountains we find our destination. Jackson Hole is presented before our eyes.

we have come out of Los Angeles at 6:30 a.m. and we have reached our destination, Jackson Hole, at 11:30 p.m. . Our challenge has been a complete success: six states in 16 hours (with time zone change included) . From the Californian sun to a snow-covered Wyoming. If you are a collector of state license plates, this is a good opportunity to add six of them to your collection.

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