New York discovers calimocho... in sherbet form!


New York discovers calimocho... in the form of sherbet!

The drink of your adolescence made sorbet

On the Food.Mic website they describe it as an "alcoholic, refreshing and not too sweet" drink very popular among Spanish teenagers, and they explain the correct way to prepare it: with a dry red wine that counteracts the sweetness of the coke and without the need to make large financial investments in the ingredients.

In fact, they assure that the calimocho is an intelligent mixture. "The sweet intensity of Coca-Cola is nuanced by wine" , explains Michael Gordon, chef at the Brooklyn Winery (BKW), where they have created the calimocho sorbet. "Also, some of the tannins in the wine are offset by the sweetness in the Coke." Now is when you, who drank it 20 years ago because it was the only thing you could buy with your pay, feel a kind of internal pride when you see that the avant-garde city agrees with you.

And it is precisely there where have decided to take the calimocho to the next level, that of the sorbet, extending it in a socially accepted way until dessert. They use it as a base to which they add a large scoop of mascarpone ice cream. , with which they provide the touch of softness, says Gordon.

If the invention has caught your attention and you want to reproduce it at home to relive past times, but with the adult touch that now characterizes you, Gordon recommends using vanilla ice cream or other soft flavors. At the moment, in New York some media already consider it one of the four sorbet recipes to try this summer ( Country Living ), one of the drinks to get the point (Epoch Taste) and one of the essential sorbet made with wine ( FWX ).

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