Spain sneaks into the list of the ten healthiest countries in the world


Spain the sixth healthiest country in the world

Spain, the sixth healthiest country in the world

10. LUXEMBOURG: perhaps its diet is not the healthiest in the world (it is based on cheese, meat and potatoes), but it has a very powerful health system, which also greatly affects the prevention and promotes the exercise since childhood.

9. ISRAEL : his diet scores very high in vegetables, fish and unsaturated fats, to the point that 80% of the population consumes fruits or vegetables every day . Perhaps for this reason, its inhabitants can boast of having one of the lowest cholesterol levels in the world.

8. SWEDEN: with a diet low in carbohydrates and high in what are considered "good fats", Sweden is the second Nordic country in terms of life expectancy and has one of the highest daily exercise rates in Europe. Not to mention its extensive program of social guarantees. However, it would be best if call them directly and ask them why they think they're in 8th place...

Sweden one of the most sporting places in the EU

Sweden, one of the sportiest places in the EU

7. JAPAN: in their lands inhabits the oldest population in the world and, in fact, the largest number of centenarians on the planet is concentrated in Okinawa Prefecture. Precisely, the practice in this area of ​​the hara hachibu (eating until you are 80% full) has been shown to promote life expectancy and reduce the prevalence of disease. As if that were not enough, the whole country exercise regularly.

6. SPAIN: here we are. The Mediterranean diet pointed out as one of the reasons why we score so high, in addition to the fact that prefer local cuisine ahead of fast food (which seems to be consumed less on the peninsula than in Europe). Of course our Health System It also favorably affects the count.

5. AUSTRALIA: his preference for local and healthy food and a real fervor for being outdoors practicing sport They have made Australia a very healthy country. For sample, the charming and super cool little town of **Byron Bay**.

In Spain you eat very well

In Spain you eat very well

Four. SINGAPORE: its capital has been for years the most expensive city in the world , but, curiously, its health system has popular prices , also having a very high quality. If to this we add a healthy diet and extensive exercise practice, it is understood that Singapore is running as the healthiest country in Asia.

3. SWITZERLAND: has been named "best country in the world" in 2017 and has ** the best healthcare system on the planet **. So it is normal that you have one of the longer life expectancies that exist... and that is the third on this list.

two. ICELAND: the fashion country maintains a life expectancy for both men and women around 80 years. The Love for nature of its people, which leads them to spend much of their time outside instead of vegetating inside the house, as well as a diet strong in seafood and organic meats, They seem to have a lot to do with it.

In Iceland they prefer to spend time outside

In Iceland they prefer to spend time outside

1. ITALY: the Mediterranean diet scores high again in the world's healthiest country, as well as its "excess doctors," according to Bloomberg. Here, life expectancy is also around 80 years; the sweet far niente does the rest... Now we have one more reason to ** drop everything and go to Italy **.

the 'dolce vita'

the 'dolce vita'

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