What has been baked in the world during quarantine? This map reveals


What is cooking in the world

What is cooking in the world?

The fact of not being able to go down every day to do the shopping or that there is no room for even a grain of rice in the freezer, added to the creativity that has sprouted in us with the arrival of the quarantine -not only when doing viral challenges On Instagram , but also in the kitchen - are the reasons why We have not stopped frying and kneading.

Let's face it: we had never baked so many loaves in our lives. So much so that get a box of yeast and a packet of flour , for weeks, it has been almost as complicated as getting hold of a dragon ball.

we love bread

We love (and knead) bread

and this map pinterest , Which collects the recipes that have been cooking the most in the world during confinement , is proof of it.

From the ovens of South Africa it has not stopped coming out unleavened naan bread; in Turkey has reigned banana bread; in India, the pure poly (sweet stuffed bread); and in New Zealand, the delicious **scones. **

As for the figures, Pinterest gives us revealing data (collected from March to mid-April): the damper, a typical Australian bread that is made with soda and that was traditionally cooked with the heat of a campfire, Increased your searches 263% in that country.

Secondly, Navajo bread or frybread, a native North American recipe that consists of making a thin dough and fry it in oil or butter to later accompany it with beans, cheese or minced meat, ** increased its search volume in the United States by 350 times more. **

coffee and scones

Coffee and scones?

In turn, in the country of baguette, where he confectioner's savoir faire is more than mastered, they have decided to take a risk and try international recipes such as Japanese brioche -milk bread-, whose searches **increased 1,081% in France. **

But bread is not the only protagonist: in Argentina , searches on Pinterest for savory croissants up 1,532% during the month of March compared to February, as well as the fried sweet fritters have been the protagonists of their breakfasts and snacks (+2145%). **

Damper bread is traditionally cooked over a campfire

Damper bread is traditionally cooked over a campfire

In Italy, the mimosa cake, which owes its name to its floral appearance and is the cake with which the Italians celebrate International Women's Day, saw your searches fired: 1408% more than the previous month.

In addition, in the boot-shaped country, too have given in to the charms of bread (or spikes, in this case) and they have cooked the famous **taralli of Puglia. **

They are not the only ones who have turned to the Internet to find out how to make crispy bread snacks , in households in Germany The breadsticks and the garlic bread have not been lacking.



In Spain we have not wanted to forget the culinary pleasure that dip the churros in the hot chocolate (or, why not, enjoy them as is; soaked in sugar, yes) , so we have dared to make them homemade.

And what about the UK? Well, English families seem to have opted for a simpler pastry (even, in some cases, vegan) , since what they have elaborated the most is eggless cakes and , given the lack of stock in the supermarket, homemade oatmeal, What is it healthier than wheat.

It's always a good time to eat some churros

It's always a good time to eat some churros

Crossing European borders again, Pinterest reveals that the most sought-after sweets are the following: Strawberry baghrir tart (Moroccan honeycomb pancakes) In Argelia; potato donut in Indonesia; and apple crumble in New Zealand.

What is cooking in the world

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