Travel with Pokémon Go: around the world in 80 poképaradas


Keep all these tricks in mind for your next trip.

Keep all these tricks in mind for your next trip.

There are those who have found virtues in it to exercise, to socialize and, in short, not to stay at home and go out. pokemon go is the application of the summer, almost as desired as those vacations that you have been waiting for since last year. Planning a trip letting yourself be guided by the hope of capturing a Articuno or a Mewtwo It is possible, not because you are going to catch them for sure, but because at the same time that you give the geolocation you will be knowing the beauty of the planet and even places that, If it wasn't for the app, you probably wouldn't even know they exist.

The key is in the poképaradas, places where Pokémon trainers get objects that help them in their hunt: Pokéballs to capture pocket monsters, objects to attract them and even eggs to hatch . In one of the best known stops in Spain we are going to start our Pokémon journey. We refer to the Retiro Park, in Madrid. One of the lungs of the city and a well-known meeting place for coaches where you can find much more than Zubats, Koffings or Digletts swarming at all hours. Once there you have to look up and enjoy its architecture, but also take the opportunity to take a walk along its well-cared paths.

Retirement park

Crystal Palace of the Retiro Park

The visit to the Crystal Palace is essential. Built in 1887, it is currently the venue for temporary exhibitions. A few steps from there is the monument to Alfonso XII, next to a pond where you can rent a boat. And among the curiosities, look as if it were a Dragonite statue of the Fallen Angel, a representation of the devil; Its interest lies in the fact that there are few public sculptures of the devil, so seeing one of these again is more difficult than running into a Lapras.

The Retiro Park is now more popular thanks to Pokémon Go, but there are other not so famous places that have become fashionable due to bug hunting. If you are in South Korea, you may be interested in taking a bus and traveling to Sokcho . In the Asian country you cannot play with the application because not all maps are available. However, due to a technical failure, it is available in this city about 30 kilometers from the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas. Sokcho is tapping into that potential, and busloads of fans arrive from various parts of the country.

Since you are going there, you may be interested in visiting the demilitarized zone itself: without human presence, it has a rich flora and fauna, precisely due to the lack of people who alter the environment. On the other hand, Sokcho has good beaches, so you can imitate the Koreans and go diving in its waters, probably full of Magikarps.


But if you are not from the beach and yes from culture , your best option is the United States. There numerous poképaradas are available in historical points of the country. Why? Because the application uses geographic coordinates from The Historical Marker Database, a website that locates 80,000 key historical places in the world, most of them in the United States. Niantic, the developer of Pokémon Go, has already used them for the database of another of its games, Ingress, and now it is recovering them.

Thus, raising our eyes from the screen we can contemplate a scene from the American Civil War located in Virginia, in the east of the country, or an old train station in Rhode Island where Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech in 1860 that, according to some historians, served to win the presidency of the United States. Elvis fans will be able to follow his trail in Tupelo, Mississippi thanks to the app and visit the place where he was born or where he bought his first guitar. And by the way, get some bait to attract creatures.

JJ Prats, founder of The Historical Marker Database, has said that visits have quadrupled since the website was launched , as many fans seem to be using it to identify potential pokéstops. Therefore, keep it in mind for your next trip across the pond.

Would you travel to get them all

Would you travel to get them all?


The tourist places that the app allows you to get to know are innumerable, and all of them deserve that we stop to contemplate them due to their importance, symbolism, transcendence... Of course, there are some that it is better to arrive with the mobile well kept in your pocket and not use it out of respect.

We refer to essential places to know our past and prevent it from repeating itself and whose managers have already asked the coaches to please refrain from playing.

With Pokémon Go we can get to Poland and visit the Auschwitz Museum. If we are in Japan, we must pay tribute to the victims of the Hiroshima bomb in the City Memorial Park. Authorities hope it will be removed as a pokéstop, just like the Washington Holocaust Museum, which has three pokéstops (but we'll learn more for reasons other than pet training).

Speaking of museums, there are others that take advantage of the potential of poképaradas to attract future visitors. This is what MoMA in New York recently did on Twitter, as you can see above: it boasts of having two pokéstops. Since you are inside, delight yourself with its exhibitions and with two key works of art history: Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, by Picasso, and The Starry Night, by Van Gogh.

But if you really don't care about all this Pokémon Go, perhaps your best option is to travel to Cádiz and get to know the city from another point of view: through its croquettes. The promoters of Croquemon Gou invite diners to send photos of the croquettes from the bars of the Andalusian city. The user who sends the best photo will receive a batch of three prizes on Cadiz gastronomy. And physical, nothing to go pick them up at a poképarada. Is anyone excited?

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