Croquemon Gou: don't hunt pokémons, hunt croquettes


Croquemon Gou don't hunt pokemons hunt croquettes

Looking for the best summer croquette in Cádiz

Croquemon Gou is an idea of ​​the journalist Pepe Monforte and his Official College of Tapatologists who, through their Cosas de Comé page, look for the best croquette of the summer in Cádiz, they explain on the Cadena Ser website. The deadline to participate is open until August 12 and all you have to do is take a photo of the captured croquette and send it . The winner will win three books on Cadiz gastronomy.

Be careful, the image has to bring together a series of elements: the croquette has to appear whole or, at most, with a given bite. It must also appear alone, pricked with a fork or as a 'selficroquet' "with the ovoid to show the world their croquetera happiness", they indicate on the Cosas de Comé website.

Each participant can send a maximum of two images (each one from a different location), so choose well which one you want to highlight and don't waste opportunities. "Its quality, the creaminess of its béchamel sauce, the originality of its filling, the perfection of the breading, the number of bumps in the filling... or simply because you liked a 'jartá'" are some of the elements suggested by Cosas de Comé .

Croquemon Gou don't hunt pokemons hunt croquettes

Example of a photo with a "messing point"

Photographs must be taken in bars, beach bars, restaurants or any public establishment where they are for sale. Homemade croquettes are not allowed. Next to the image that is sent, it is necessary to indicate in which place it is made, which croquette it is and the location of the bar. The "joke point" It is one of the elements that the jury will take into account when choosing the winner.

The board of directors of the Official College of Tapatologists, "a collegiate and secret body", will be in charge of evaluating the images, announcing the result of its deliberations through Cosas de Comé . It will be on this website where the photos of the croquettes will be published in a special section and in order of arrival. For now, you can see the ones they have already received here.

The photos can be sent by email, to the Cosas de Comé recommendation form, by whatsapp ("with a 'uasa'" as they like to call it on the web), or through Facebook or Twitter. Check all the contact information through this link.

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