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Cover number 147 of Cond Nast Traveler magazine

This issue of our magazine brings with it The World Made Local, the first global collaboration between the seven editions of Condé Nast Traveler

We've never done anything like this before. And from now on you will see it often because yes, we like the idea. In fact, he already expressed it in exciting words Divia Thani, Global Director of Condé Nast Traveler, that explain much better the reason for the number you have in your hands, in which we wanted to shout that today the world feels closer than ever and that we, all of us who make Condé Nast Traveler in Italy, China, India, the United States, the Middle East, the United Kingdom and Spain, we will be here to tell you.

That's why I don't want to redound, just tell you to come see me. And you say so too. Let them go see you. That we go from here to there; let's see each other Things could be better after these terrible months and the somewhat interrupted hope of the vaccine, let's be realistic, but you'll see: little by little, optimism will reach 100% charge –the battery has a tad left, don't unplug it yet– and we'll smile again and walk forward. And even upside down, as in the photograph that illustrates these lines and that sums up any spontaneous courtesy of infinite happiness. They are the endorphins, which, when you jog around the world, call on you to do a handstand and turn your routine around. Who is going to take away the illusion of kissing newly conquered ground.

The snapshot is taken close to the Valladolid Duero and in the place where three wineries have launched the N-122 Duero Valley project to give one of our most beautiful back roads the international buzz it deserves. You will read it here in addition to other stories with a Spanish accent and a vocation to cross borders.

Because if we have learned something in this strange time, it is to value Spain. Empty it, fill it and a quarter and a half. We will want to cross a thousand seas, but we will also want to tell out there that another thousand await the traveler here. And that's why we have to meet. Come. Let's go.

This report was published in number 147 of Condé Nast Traveler Magazine (September-October 2021). Subscribe to the printed edition (€18.00, annual subscription, by calling 902 53 55 57 or from our website). The September-October issue of Condé Nast Traveler is available in its digital version to enjoy on your preferred device.

Project N122 Duero Valley

Who is going to take away the illusion of kissing newly conquered ground

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