The 10 'most' of Amsterdam


The 10 most of Amsterdam

Hutspot, the 'concept store' that sweeps

**1- Best Apple Pie: Winkel ** Loud and rudely blunt. So is the apple tart who serve in Winkel (Noordermarkt 43), considered the richest in the entire city. This explains the queues that form at your door, on every market day in the noordermarkt square (Saturdays, organic food and Monday, textiles) .

**2- The latest concept store: Hutspot ** Said and done. That's what these four friends thought when they decided to ride hutspot , the new concept store in Amsterdam just a couple of months old. Young (the oldest is 23 years old), creative and enthusiastic have wanted to give a blow to the crisis and have taken risks by also giving opportunities “to all the designers in Amsterdam or the surrounding area who have interesting things to show” . In addition to clothing, they sell bamboo bicycles imported from China , vintage clothes from different Asian countries (among our favorite clothes was a Japanese fireman's coat) . Like almost all interesting places in Amsterdam, it also has a space to work, have a coffee or read.

The 10 most of Amsterdam

The perfect apple treat is at the Winkel

3- The freakest museum: Museum of Our Lady of the Attic Actually this statement is not entirely true, because freak museums in this city there is a lot, but we like its name because it has a name somewhere between a joke and an erotic film. His visit (although a bit expensive: it is worth 8 euros), is very interesting, as he walks an old underground church when Catholic worship was banned in the country by Calvinists.

**4- The most expensive street: P.C Hoofstraat (known as PC) ** It is very close to the museum square and could be another one: the luxury one. All the most exclusive stores are concentrated there. Some surprises beyond the usual ones are the Shoebaloo shoe store, at number 80, with a place with an almost spatial aesthetic, and a design known throughout the country.

**5- The coolest jeans shop: Tenue de Nimes ** Spread out on huge wooden counters from darker to lighter; any finish, wash or color of demin one can imagine is in Dim of Nîmes which is also like a museum of bizarre objects selected with exquisite taste. We love the detail that they receive with a carafe of water with mint and raspberries and a coffee. It has two branches, in the Jordan and in the pipj.

The 10 most of Amsterdam

All the denim you want at Tenue de Nimes

6- The most hipster coffee: Latei Is he horror empty made coffee. Narrow, tiny, and even overwhelming. If you don't pay attention, you can miss it. Will be an error. Order yourself a sandwich while you look up at the ceiling and decide which of the more than 30 lamps you want to buy, to the walls, and analyze the cross stitch pictures of cartoon characters , or take a leap back to childhood by reading the names of the board games that are stacked among hundreds of other junk on their shelves.

**7- The best cocktails: Njoy ** Bars illuminated with leds and stools, more intimate low tables, the njoy It is the place where all the experts who work in the hospitality industry meet when they want to take the best cocktails in town. To choose the one that suits you best, you just have to choose according to your personality: dreamer, trendsetter, alchemist, connoisseur... They also do workshops to learn how to make cocktails.

The 10 most of Amsterdam

At night he goes to Njoy

**8-The newly arrived hotel: Hotel Andaz ** In this hotel everything generates surprise. Since when do they check you in with a iPad at a high table and a glass of wine even when you gossip the amenities (they come in a vanity box and are as quirky as nail polish remover, hairspray or a wooden brush) or browse the selection of books and novels available in each room. And, of course, the decoration, coming out of the vitaminized neuron juice of Marcel Wanders , one of the best known designers in the country. We move away from black and white and the very tired minimalism to immerse ourselves fully in a world of design details that play with Dutch clichés (clogs, tulips and golden age) with a colorful and contemporary twist . His obsession when imagining what this hotel would be like was for the guest to feel, if not at home, then at home. house of some friends. He has more than succeeded.

The 10 most of Amsterdam

Izakaya, the trendy restaurant in Amsterdam

**9- The fashionable restaurant: Izakaya ** Even the canals have reached the oriental air. Izakaya , at the gates of Pijp , the emerging neighborhood of Amsterdam, is one of those restaurants that you have to go to if you want to be trendy and talk without any complexes. The letter, based on japanese gastronomy opens its arms to South American influences, especially Peruvian and Mexican , as well as its cocktail bar, to sample the mojito with jasmine syrup . They have a live DJ.

**10- The last corner: Pllek ** It is not easy to get there. Not even when it has been explained to one, but it is worth taking the risk of getting lost, taking the ferry that goes to N.D.S.M and approach by bike to the last containers next to the water. The result is the Pllek , an amazing place, with giant windows that a film producer devised in an area of ​​the city that is now receiving the entire artist collective who have moved from the western islands to an area where there were only shipyards before.

*** You may also be interested in...**

- Amsterdam: the things that place the most

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- All the articles of Arantxa Neyra

The 10 most of Amsterdam

Pllek, a refuge for artists by profession and by heart

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