Re-Generation Festival: Go on a spree and save the world along the way



a different festival

The Re Generation Festival it is one of the few festivals that can boast of leaving the event venue better than you found it. And also one of the few that invites participants to work – isn't planting work? – while having fun. The thing is, then, to hit a spree and save the world on the way.

As they tell it, it even sounds appetizing: "Let's celebrate our ability to regenerate landscapes through the extraordinary and significant experience of restoring an environmentally degraded area, to the rhythm of music and creativity”, they animate from their website.

“The Re-Generation Festival is an innovative celebration and a unique event, which aims to be the first of a whole series of regenerating festivals”, explains Belen Sanchez, local coordinator of the event.

three girls at the regeneration festival

People come from everywhere to meet

“Nestled in the rich cultural, social and environmental background of the territory AlVelA , a territory capable of becoming even more prosperous, the Re-Generation Festival aims to revitalize the land, the soul and the society of this unique environment, through the maximum expression of art and the shared intention to restore”.

Thus, for three days -last September 28, 29 and 30-, a highly degraded area of ​​wetlands, plains and mountains in La Junquera (Murcia) was regenerated by festivalgoers to the rhythm of groups, soloists and DJs.

Javier Olaizola, Bangladesh, Xul Zolar and LCD-Funk Collective , among others, were part of the cartel, and shared it with names like Astrid Vargas , an illustrious internationally recognized conservator who gave a talk on how to achieve environmental restoration through art; Evaristo Aegea , a man from Almeria who gave a workshop on esparto grass crafts; or that of the renowned documentary director John Liu.

"There are similar festivals, based on art or restoration," explains Sánchez. “We have combined ideas from all of them and, through creativity and illusion in common, we have designed this festival of restoration through art”, she tells us.

people at regeneration festival

Creativity and illusion in common, motors of the festival


They attended the Re-Generation in its first edition around 600 people who made a voluntary contribution of ten euros per day, in the case of the partners of the agroecological association AlVelAl, and 20 in the case of non-members.

Being a volunteer the doors were also open to those who could not pay that amount. “Contact us and we will help you find an alternative adapted to your possibilities”, they explained on their website.

But what kind of people are those who want to spend the holidays hoe in hand? "The profile is very diverse," reflects Sánchez. “What unites us is the desire to value and restore our heritage for what we have had from children to the elderly, from local people to people from different parts of the world ”.

Are you also seduced by the idea of ​​mixing sustainability and party? So, you only have to wait a year, according to what the coordinator tells us: “We hope to hold a new edition very soon, in 2019. Possibly, we will repeat the place of celebration, although in any case, it will also be a place with ideal conditions for this special event”.

old man at the regeneration festival

For all ages

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